Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV: 1 month later

For the past month that we have been in Afghanistan our mission hasn't been to bad. None of us have gotten major wounds. We have been so busy we have only been able to call our families once in the past month which sucks I do miss Max, but went I am on the battle feild that is the last thing on my mind. We are gathering our stuff to leave camp to a near by town to clear out a major threat that was reported.
When we got close to the town. I split off from the rest of the team and found a place to set up my snipers nest, so I could have my teams back if we run into trouble. As soon as they got to were the reported bomb was they were ambushed we all were shooting trying to take out as many as possible, but it seemed like they just kept coming. They had all the boys tied up and some were looking for me since they know we were a six member team. I radio'd back to camp, "We have ran into trouble the boys have been captured and they have spotted my snipers nest. Zander has been shot, but is....." Then they grabbed my arm from behind me and took my guns. And tied me up bringing me to the rest of my team. They had gaurds in back with us when they transported us to another location. Once we got to a house a few towns over they told us to get out they patted us down for weapons, but missed two knifes on me and Blake. Hopefully we will be able to use them later, but there is no escaping, so we will have to be patient. When they put us in the room that they were going to hold us their leader came in and said, "What do we have here. A pretty girl. My intell didn't tell me that only that you guys are the best of the best. But then why would there be a girl we will start with you." He said eviley. Thinking I would be the weak link in my team. Then he grabbed a knife from his waist and came over and put the knife to my stomach and said, "You better give me the information that I need or you will have some nice marks on that pretty and prefect skin of yours." I had to keep myself from laughing at that because of the fact if he would look under my shirt he would know it is anything but perfect. When I didn't say anything he took the knife and ran it across my stomach making a thin line that would heal pretty quickly since I am a wolf.
I then said, "You are never going to get the information that you want exceptionally not from me. It's not smart to think that I am the weak link of MY team." I said putting infasis on my.
With that he got mad and throw the knife and it hit Markus in the shoulder. I saw Markus bit his lip to keep from screaming just like I taught them. Then the leader stomped out of the room saying you will get it later. When he was gone and I couldn't hear anyone just outside of the door where they would be able to hear I turned to my team and said, "Looking at Markus's shoulder and Zander's leg that was shot when we were taken. If we are all going to make it out of here alive I think we will need to be patient and wait for rescue. I know it is going to be painful for all of us. But just so you guys know I got a radio message back to camp, so they know we have been captured and have a starting area. Depending on the team that General sends for us. They should be able to find the trail and find us easily, but I know that General will have to send in men since the only ones left at camp are the medics."
"Your right and we will be able to take what they throw at us. We just have to stay strong and remember all your training." Blake said.
With that we all went quiet trying to save our energy. And Blake took his shirt and wrapped Zander shot wound to try to keep it from getting infected, and Zach did the same to Marcus shoulder.
A few hours later the leader and one other guy came in both with wips. The leader then asked, "So apparently the girl is their leader so who here is the second in command?"
We all stayed quiet and didn't answer him. That's when he came over to me torn my shirt off and start wiping my back. And yelled, "I will continue to do this tell one of you answers me?"
After two more wacks, Blake said, "I am second in command."
"Ok. Now will any of you tell me what I need to know?" He said. The wiping continued and after Blake said that he was second in command the other guy went over doing the same thing to him. And none of us would say anything, so the leader called in a few more guys and they started beating on all of us. That went on for the next few hours.
The next day they came back and did the same thing for a few hours.
After that they left us. Luke looked at me and Blake and asked, "Why did we just go with Lucy saying we should stay here when we were barley injured and could have made it out of here, and Blake did you just agree with her because it was your brothers training."
"Luke for one why are you questioning your commanding officers and your Luna. Also that isn't my brothers training she was using." Blake questioned.
"Lucy told me not to treat her like my Luna when on the battle field. Also if not your brothers then who?" Luke said.
"Enough fighting you too." I said. "Luke we don't know how many men they have. Me and Blake only have two small knifes each. And yes I know you are going to say we could have shifted, but no we couldn't have because then we would be in more trouble because they have guns and 6 ft wolves against a gun are not a good combination. And that training of observing the situation to figure out the best course of action is my pack training. When your pack has at most 70 members; you have to be observant and know when action will make a situation worse."
"Ok, that makes sense." Luke says.
"Also, as soon as General makes the call if not before to our families that we have been captured. Hunter and Matt's team will be sent to find us, and when they get close, that's when we will be able to attack." I said confidently.
"Why when General makes the call?" Markus asked.
"Because Jack and Rose will insist it if Conners doesn't already have them sent. Hunter and Matt are from my Pack, and they are some of the best trackers I know that's why they are head of the best rescue team the marines have." I said.
With that, we tried to get some sleep while we could.

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