Chapter 6

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Lucy's Pov:

As soon as I was out of the mess hall I started running. The boys were right behind me. When I had ran so far that I was off base. I guess Blake was know for sure where we were going so he tapped Max on the shoulder and slowed down a little. Max said to him, "What do you want."
Blake just replied, "Once we get where we are going give her a minute before we go up with her, ok?"
Max said, "Where are we going?"
"You will see." Blake said, "But after we go here she normally runs and gets food so then you can get to know you mate a little more."
"Ok." Max said. Then I stopped running when we got to the gates the gaurd looked at me and said, "What are you doing here?"
Then Blake and Max caught up as I was giving the guard a dirty look he must be new working here.
The guard then said, "Hey Blake what are these outsiders doing on pack land let alone here."
"Jake let her in now." Blake said. After that I was let in but as I went in I heard Blake say, "Jake anytime she comes you let her in."
"And why would I do that."
"Because if she comes without knowing I am right behind her there is nothing stopping her from killing you."
After that I had gotten too far to hear them unless I focused. I then sat down on the tree next to my best friend's grave and said, "Hey Randel. Me and Blake are about to go on our fourth tour, but we have a bad feeling so I started to tell the team about what happened to Molly but then stopped because of the fact that I have met my mate and he was having dinner with us after having a meeting with the General. Then one of your stupid friends came and made what I was implying to the team more obviously. So I put him in a choke hold. I miss you even if you were only with me from the time me and Blake were put with a team. I hope mine and Blake's feelings are wrong, but we all know it's not."
"I miss him to Lucy, but one thing he told me about you is that you capartmentalize things in a way that he has never seen before if something goes wrong you will handle it. Also funny time meeting your mate girl. Also if you do have an experience like mine. I will be there for you Luc. You were like a sister to him making you like a sister to me too."
"Molly, I haven't seen you in a while. It's nice to see you. And did he really say those things about me."
"Yeah he did."
"Hey do you want to go get dinner with us since I kinda ran out during dinner."
"Us kid there is no one with you."
"Blake and my mate are waiting at the gate for me."
"Oh, ok so you aren't going crazy, but sorry I have other things to do. But be safe. Hope to see you soon." The Molly left.
I then finished talking, "Bye Randel I will be careful like Molly told me to. And know you will be watching over us even if things do go bad." With that I got up and went back to Max and Blake. And said, "Come on guys let go eat." They both then laughed at me.
We then went to Blake's mom (Bailey)'s dinner. When we walked in she squealed, "Lucy, Blakey welcome!"
"Hey Bailey" I said back. "Hi mom and stop calling me Blakey." Blake wined.
"Bailey this is my mate Max." I said.
"Aww you finally met you mate Lucy bad timing since you are shipping off end of the week. Hi Max nice to meet you I am Blake's mom. You better treat Lucy right."
"Nice to meet you too. And I will treat her right I promise you." Max said.
The Bailey turned to get our order then turned around and said, "Oops, I forgot to ask Max what do you want to eat."
"He'll just have the same as me." I answered her.
Then she went to get our food.
"Ok, so Max this is the main time we will be able to get to know each other outside of my military stuff till the end of this tour, so ask what you want to know you answer the same question if they apply both ways and when ask question you answer first." I said.
"What made you join the military?"Max asked.
"Easy always been tough and strong and wanted to serve the country." I answered.
"Favorite food? Mines homemade Chinese food." I said.
"Mines deer steak." Max answered.
"Who's your best friend?"Max asked. "Mine is Carson and Parker."
"Figures Carson is. Mine are Jack and Rose." I said.
"Really you didn't say Blake or one of the other from your team." Max said.
"No way they are my brothers. The ones I live and died with." I answer laughing. "Jack and Rose are my best friend that I grew up with and have to leave back at our pack, they are also my cousins."
"Why didn't your best friends join up with you?"
"Because it's hard for the Alpha and Beta to join the military." I said.
"What pack you from?" Max asked. "I am from the Silvermoon pack."
"I figured that was your pack for one since that is Luke's pack and also since that is the big and known pack nearest to my pack." I said.
"You didn't answer the question." Max pointed out.
"I am part of the Warriors pack." I said proudly.
"I never heard of it. Which is weird I thought I was allys with all the small pack near me." Max said.
Then me and Blake both started laughing hysterically.
"What is so funny you two?" Bailey asked as she brought our food over.
"Just that Max thinks he would know my pack even if my pack is a small pack near his because he thought he was allys with all the small packs in the area." I said.
That made Bailey start laughing as well.
"What is so funny about that?" Max said.
"Oh just the fact that you think we have allys near us." I said seriously.
"What would happen if you were attacked?" Max said.
"For one not many have even heard of my pack making it not much of a target the only ally that we have is the Blood pack which is the General's pack." I said.
"How small is your pack?" Max asked.
"Probably somewhere between 50-70 members." I said.
"So if you were attacked your warriors would be maybe half the the pack."Max said.
"Um no the warriors of my pack is probably 40-60 members of the pack the other pack members are children who are too young to protect themselves we are called the warriors for a reason." I said laughing at the end.
Then Max's phone starts ringing. I see that is a girl named Zoey calling him. Then he says, "I have to take this."
I ask, "Who is it?" But he had already answered with the biggest smile on his face making me even more jealous. Then he takes the phone away from his face putting the phone on speaker. Zoey continues talking, "So when the fuck are you coming home Maximus."
I start laughing, "You never told me your full name was Maximus." Then he growls, "Really Zo why did you have to call me that?"
"Um Max maybe because it's your name dumb dumb. Also is that a girl I hear." Zoey said.
"Yes it is Zo." Max said smiling even bigger.
"And why are you with a girl I thought you were just going to talk to the Alpha of the Blood pack and saying bye to Luke." Zoey said sounding sad at the end.
That's when me and Blake growl. Then I go into commander mode. "Why do you sound like you are saying bye to Luke forever." I said venom dripping with every word.
"Lucy calm down. Luke's like a baby brother to her, so even being gone for six months is going to be hard on her." Max said trying to calm me down.
"Max! I don't care if Luke is like a baby brother to her she just made our protective instincts kick in ok." I said.
"Hold up! No one talks to my brother like that who do you think you are." Zoey said.
"Oh that makes more since she's your sister giving her Alpha blood and protective and motherly instincts to your pack mates." I said.
"Yeah Lucy she is my older sister. And Zoey you don't talk to my mate that way." Max said.
"Hold the phone you found your mate Max that is so exciting. Mom! Guess who met his mate?" Zoey said.
"From my ears bleeding I am guessing my baby boy. Congrats" His mom said.
"Is that why she was protective of Luke, but Hold up she said our who else is with you." Zoey asked.
"Oh that just Blake. I went and visited one of my friends after getting in a fight with someone, so Max and Blake followed me and now we are at Blake and my friends mom's diner." I said.
"Then why isn't your friend with you if it's his mom's diner" Max's mom asked.
"Mom!" Max said.
"What son?" His mom said.
"Um because it's hard to bring a dead person to a diner." I said.
"Oh I am sorry sweetie I didn't know." His mom said.
"It's fine." Me and Blake said at the same time. Then started laughing at us talking at the same time.
"It was a few years ago ma'am, so it's alright." I said.
"Ok so when do I get to meet my future sister." Zoey asked.
"If everything goes good in about 6 months." I said with no emotion in my voice. But me and Blake exchanged looks knowing that things don't seem like they will go that well.
"What why that long?" Zoey asked.
Then their mom said, "Why does 6 months sound formiliar?"
"That could be because that's how long Luke is going to be gone for if everything goes good." I said laughing.
"Max, what is she saying?" Zoey said.
"Zo why you asking me?" Max said laughing.
"Zoey I am saying me and Luke are part of the same team." I said.
"What my brother's mate is in the military?" Zoey said.
"Yes I am. Earlier you asked why me and Blake have protective instincts over Luke it is because we have protective instincts over all members of our team and you making it seem like he won't won't make it home made us mad." I said.
"Hold up this friend you were visiting was he in the military with you?" His mom asked.
"Yes he was mine and Blake's commander and my best friend for our first tour. I was his second in command. After he died I got him back to the base for his family." I said.
"Oh sweetie that sucks. Do you mind me asking how many tours have you been on?" His mom asked.
"This one will be mine and Blake's fourth. Sorry for keep including Blake with everything, but we went through basics together and are the only ones left from our original team, some died, some were discharged, some retired, and some went reserves ." I said.
"Oh its fine I can tell you and this Blake kid are close." His mom said.
"Yep, helped him bury his brother. And he is my second in command. Just like the rest of my team he is like a brother." I said.
Zoey asked, "Are you guys from the same pack?"
"Nope, of my team Blake and Zach are from the Blood pack, Luke's from your guys' pack, Markus and Zander are human, and I am from the warrior pack." I said.
"Hey Blake you can head back you may want to get some sleep and make sure the others do too."
"Ok I am going to try to get some sleep before you come wake us all up and by that evil smile says I should be ready for one of the worse of my brothers training exercises that he taught you." Blake whined.
"Maybe, maybe not. I am just going to say with our gut instinct I can't change my day of when I am doing that training exercise." I said.
"Oh, so you are saying that you have someone to do everything but test our reaction times." Blake said as he went to tell his mom bye. Bailey then said quite loud, "Be safe and hopefully Lucy isn't too hard on you guys."
I just rolled my eyes then I see Max staring at me and Zoey yelled, "What training exercise is it?"
"Oh nothing just one the I have scars from." I said laughing like it was nothing.
Max was still staring at me like asking what.
Zoey then said, "What did you mean your guys gut feeling."
I just stared at Max not knowing what the best thing to tell his sister was and mouthed help.
"Sis it's nothing it is just them talking." Max said. I mouthed thank you to him.
"We should really be headed back to base." I said.
"Didn't you just send Blake back?" Max's mom question.
"Yeah but after he caught on to what I was saying I bet he shifted and ran as fast as possible to get some shut eye before I came back." I said laughing.
"Ok that's crazy." Zoey said.
I stood up to leave and said, "Bailey, I am going to head out I will make sure Blake comes and tells you where we are being shipped before we leave."
"Ok, sweetie be safe I want you all back in one piece. And go easy on them boys in your exercise." Bailey said.
"Sorry Bailey. I can't go easy on them. If anything I am going to go harder on them." I said knowing my look told her everything.
"Oh my! You and Blake have a bad feeling about this mission. Ok push them hard and bring them home, please." Bailey said almost crying.
"Oh I forgot that Randel told you about him feeling like it would be his last mission before we left. I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't bury another boy, Bailey." I said. I gave her a hug. Then me and Max left. Then I hear his mom and Zoey yelling on his phone, but I couldn't make out a word they were saying. "Hey could one of you talk at a time?" I said.
As Max put his arm over my shoulder making me smile.
"What were you saying to this Bailey person and how did she know that you and Blake had bad feelings and who is Randel?" His mom asked.
"Randel is my friend I went and visited in the cemetary and Bailey is his and Blake's mom and she could tell that because I am like her son in the fact if something doesn't feel right I will push my team harder and also the fact that if I am showing my emotions on my face she can read me like a book." I said.
"Which son?" Zoey asked.
"Like Randel he was the one that taught me about training in the military and how far I can push them." I said.  "Okay we have to go we are getting close to base."
"If you are only close why do we have to go." Zoey asked.
"Because Blake knows I am coming so I have to be even quieter than normal." I said.
"Ok stay safe and come home so we can meet you. And bye son you treat her the best before she leaves." His mom said, and she hung up.
"Lucy we aren't that close to the base." Max said after his mom hung up.

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