Chapter 12

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Lucy's POV:
Woke up from the best sleep that I have had in a long time. I was almost laying on top of Max. I hear the door to my room open, but I couldn't careless I was way to comfortable. Then I hear Rose squeal, "Aww they are so cute aren't they Jack."
"Yeah, she actually looks so peaceful. And if it wasn't for all her bandages you would know she just went through something terrible."
I smile and then I hear Jake start laughing and say, "Rose you know she is awake right?"
"What no way she looks that peaceful and is awake."
"Your wrong Rose I am just too comfortable and lazy to sit up right now."
Then I hear Max yawn. "I could really get used to waking up with you curled up on me."
That made me blush that made Rose and Jack laugh at me and Rose said, "Oh the super tough girl is blushing."
"Shut up."
Then there was a knock on my door then a nurse came in saying, "Are you ready to get that cast taken off." When she said that I sat up so fast. Then they were all laughing at me. The nurse said, "I'll take that as a yes. "
Then she had me sit with my leg over the side of the bed and she cut the cast off and my wrist brace.
After she left I said, "Ok now I can go check on my boys."
Max asked, "Do you want me to come with you?"
"No thanks, but you go be with Luke I will meet you there after checking on the rest of them."
"Ok, just warning you his parents are there and are really excited to meet you."
"Ok, I'll have to meet them sooner or later." I said. Then Jake asked, "Hey Max do you think they would mind if we go with you."
"Not at all you guys are family now so they will be fine with it."
"Ok thanks."
With that we went our separate ways I went and checked on Blake first. I knocked on his door and went in. Bailey got up and came over like she was going to hug me.
"Bailey, don't hug me."
"Why, what's wrong, honey?"
"Mom, her back is worse than mine."
"Oh, are you alright."
"I am getting better still hurts, but at least I slept last night."
"Yeah smells like you were up and personal with that mate of yours."
"Shut up Blake." I said and I felt my cheeks heat up again.
"Oh, is the girl that doesn't show emotion blushing the world has broke."
We started laughing.
"Shut up. But how are you Blake?"
"I am good my back is sore, but besides that I am good. Being discharged today."
"Ok I am going to check on the others."
"I just checked on Zach about half a hour ago and he was going back to sleep when I left. He is doing good and is being discharged today too."
"Ok, thanks let him know I came around to visit if I don't see him before he's discharged."
With that, I headed to Zander's room. As I reached the door, a nurse said, "You can't go in there?"
"And why not?"
"His parents said family only."
"I am family may not be blood but I am family."
Then I hear Blake come out of his room and he said to the nurse, "I wouldn't bloke that girl from entering one of our rooms."
"And why is that, sir?"
"Because we just went through a week of hell, and she won't be patient with people keeping her from her brothers."
With that, the nurse moved out of my way.
I knocked on the door. A lady came to the door and said, "Who are you, and if you want to come in, you need to put a shirt on and not just a sports bra?"
"Miss, I can't put a shirt on based on doctors' orders for at least another day."
"Then come back then."
Then I here Zander say, "Mom shut up and let her in now."
"No, my son does not need some random girl with no shirt on coming in his room."
"Zander told me to come in. He is a grown adult, so I can come in. And it's not like he hasn't seen me like this without all the bandages."
As I walked past her, she walked to Zander's bed and said, "Why have you seen this girl without a shirt on."
I just go over to Zander and ask, "How's the leg?"
"It's not infected, so it's good." Zander answered.
"Good Blake's shirt make shift bandage did it's job then."
"Yeah, how are you?"
"I am good ribs are still sore and my back hurts like a bitch."
"Zander are you going to answer my question?" His mom almost yelled at him.
"Mom, she's literally the reason I came back alive from both my tours. And it's hard to not see a girl shirtless went terrist rips their shirt off of them."
"What she part of your team?"
"Yes, I am Ma'ma. I am Cammander Lucy Black."
"Oh I am so sorry for how rude I was."
"It's fine. I get you were trying to protect your son. It's good to see you are doing good Zander, but I got two more boys to check on. So I am going to go."
"Let me guess Blake was your first stop?"
"Yeah and he told me Zach is being discharged today and was sleeping and then I went to you."
"Ok bye Lucy."
"Ok bye Zander."
"Then I went to Markus's room. I knocked on the door and heard Markus say. "Come in."
"Hey Markus, How are you man?"
"I am good. The doctors are worried about the stab wound on my shoulder and that it may be bad if the meds they gave me don't get rid of the infection."
"I am sorry. I really should of kept my mouth shut."
Then his mom says, "What does she mean if she kept her mouth shut."
"Mom calm down she is blaming herself. The one guy had just cut her across her stomach and she made a comment about him thinking she was the weak link of the team, and he got mad and throw the knife and it went in my shoulder. Anyway it doesn't matter she took the most beating of all of us."
"What do you mean you are in more cast than her?"
"She's like step-dad."
"Oh, so you're a wolf but are still in that much bandages."
"Yeah, when they like kicking one side of my ribs and keep rebreaking them and wiped my back everyday. It is going to take longer for those to heal."
"Oh, my, that must hurt."
"Markus, I need to go check on Luke, so I am going to go."
"Lucy, what the big smile about."
"Oh, nothing."
"Max is with Luke, isn't he?"
"Ok, go check on Luke and go see your mate."
"Ok, bye, Markus."
"Bye Lucy."
Then I headed to Luke's room. The door was open, so I just walked in and put my arms around Max's neck. I must of been really quiet coming it because till my arms were around his neck no one else realized I was there. I then went in front of Max, and said, "Hey Luke how are you?"
"My ribs hurt, but other then that I am good."
"Hey thank for taking that for me man."
"What does she mean you took a beating for her?" Hailey said.
"She means I spoke up to keep her alive and got my ribs broken because of it."
"What does he mean keep you alive?" Max asked.
"He means they had already rebroke my ribs that day and one maybe two more hits to the ribs and I would of had a punchered lung, I may be able to reset ribs but I can't fix a punchered lung."
"Oh my, that is crazy that you went thought that."
Then a doctor came in and said, "Oh, I have finally found you. I went in your room and you weren't there so I have been in everyone of those boys rooms looking for you. I need to change your bandages, and assess when you can be discharged, so can you come back to your room?"
"You can just change them in here everyone here is family."
"You know you have to take your bra off."
"Ok then Boys beside Max and Luke out. I don't care about them two because Max will see it sooner or later and I know the rescue team were cleaning my back wounds in the humvee so I know Luke probably already saw."
With that the guys left. When the doctor took my bandage off I heard Max growled and Haileyey scream, "Oh , y thalooksks excruciating."
Then the doctor put medicine on it making me have to bite my lips to keep from screaming then he put a new bandage on it. I put my bra back on and the doctor rewrapped my ribs. "You will be discharged tomorrow morning." The doctor said.
When the boys came back in Carson asked, "What was my mom screaming and Max growling about?"
"Oh, that they just saw the wip marks on my back."
"I am going to kill whoever did that to you." Max said.
And me and Luke laughed and then stopped saying ow at the same time.
"What is funny, you two?" Max asked.
"Oh, the fact that you think you can kill him." Luke said.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Max, he means you're a little late making that threat. When I knew the rescue team was there, I ripped that piece of shit's throat out. When I let my claws out, he turned so pale it was hallarious."
"That is disgusting." Hailey said.
"Maybe, but after a week of pain and torture, it felt good to do. I mean till I black out afterwards."
"Your mates a badass." Hailey said, "When are you going to introduce her to the Pack as your mate."
"I was thinking to let her finish healing and introduce her at the lake party."
"But that's in a week, Max."
"I actually like that idea, but as long as the doctor clears me, I am still going to train, and I am trian with the guys no matter what anyone says."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
", ax do you think she can beat Ace." Carson asked.
"Who's Ace?"
"He's the guys training instructor. And Carson at full strength I think she could but right now with a big weakness of her back I am not sure."
"I was about to yell at you when you said but right now but then you explained your reasoning and it made alot of since. I am going to ask the Doctor if me and Luke will be able to train when we get home. And Max meet me in my room when you are done here. "
I left and went and found the doctor, and since we were at the blood pack hospital, he knew I was a wolf.
"Hey, doc. When me and Luke are discharged and go home tomorrow, will we be able to train?"
"I would give it one day after y'all get home, but even then, you need to be careful."
"Ok, thanks, doc."
I left and went to my room. When I went in, Max was already asleep on my bed. So I just went and curled up next to him and went to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I got up realizing I never asked the boys an important question, so I went to Luke's room and went in. "Hey Luke. I have a question."
"Yeah Lucy, what's up?"
I looked at his mom because I knew she would take what I was about to say wrong.
"I just realized that I never asked any of y'all did one of you grab my baby when we were rescued."
Luke started busting up laughing expectionally with his mom's face.
"Yes, I saw it when we were leaving and made sure to grab it. It is in its case back at base."
"Yay! Thank you, Luke."
Max came in half asleep still and said, "What are you so excited about?"
"The fact that Luke is the best and saw my baby and brought it back even in the chaos of being rescued. "
"You really love that rifle, don't you."
"Yeah, that one and my paintball one they are one of a kinda sniper rifles!"
That's when Hailey started laughing, "Oh my, you had me so confused asking about a baby."
"I know, ugh."
What are you ughing about?"
"Just how much of a pain in the butt it is going to be to get them back home the airports hate when I am complicated because they have to have special accommodations when I travel with them."
"Yeah I bet the airports hate that since you aren't supposed to have guns in the airport."
"Ok we can leave now come on."
With that we all went and stopped at base before heading to the airport at the airport in Virginia we had no problems because Conners called ahead and let them know I was coming with my Rifles. We landed back home. I went up to the security guy and said, "Hey can you help me?"
"Yeah cutie what do you need?" The security guy said.
"Can you help me get the rest of my luggage."
"Ma'ma I don't help people with bags."
"I thought the security team were the only ones able to handle the special luggage."
"Ma'am I am sorry. I don't know how you heard about special luggage but that is for military only."
That is where Luke came up behind me and said, "Lucy what's taking so long."
"Oh nothing just this sexist security man won't even ask my name so I can get my babys."
The security gaurds face paled and said, "What do you mean babys."
"Oh sorry about that she calls her Rifles, her baby's, and I would keep us waiting much longer."
"Like I said to your little bitch her special luggage is for the military members only."
"Oh you did not just call me a bitch even injured and just honorly discharged I can take your ass down."
The one of the normal security guys came over and asked, "Lucy are you having a problem."
"Boss you know this girl."
"Yeah I know her. Lucy what are you doing back you guys weren't due back for another about 5 months."
"My whole teams been discharged and your little dumbass here is giving me troubles and called ME a bitch."
"I am so sorry." Then he turned to his guy and said, "Man you never call anyone a bitch and did you even ask her her name."
"No sir we only deal with the military men, but what is your name Ma'am."
"The names Commander Lucy Black."
"Oh I am so sorry Ma'am here is your case. I am so sorry for my attitude toward you."
Then I took my case and left.

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