Chapter 18

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Max's POV:
I woke up this morning with my beautiful mate in my arms. We were finally able to complete the mating process last night it was better then I could have imagined. I can't wait for later for the lake party to introduce her to the Pack, as well as the surprise I have for her and her friends. Who should be here any minute. Before the lake party I am going to hangout with my boys while she gets to hang out with hers.
I feel her stirring in my arms. "Goodmorning baby."
"Goodmoring." She said and kissed me.
"We should probably get ready for the lake party."
"But it's not for a while."
"Yeah, but I have a surprise for you down stairs."
"What is it?"
"It's a surprise."
"Just tell me, please." She said with puppy dog eyes.
"Ok fine. You know Blake is here I also got Zach, Rose, Jack, Hunter, and Matt. I would have tried to get Markus and Zander, but Blake told me they haven't been released from the hospital yet. I wanted you to have your own friends here for the lake party."
"Thanks, that's awesome. Also, is Carson going to announce that Rose is his mate today, too?"
"How did you know about that?"
"I am observant, and she told me as well."
"I am not sure if he is or not since their both Beta's and have yet to figure out what we are doing Pack wise with it since neither Pack can lose there Beta."
"That makes sense."
With that, we went and got dressed. It made me smile when she put one of my shirts on over her swimming suit. We walked downstairs. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, her friends were there waiting for her. That's when I hear two high-pitched whistles, and Blake and Zach say, "You go, girl final sealed the deal with your Mate."Lucy laughed and said, 'You know it, boys. It good to see y'all."
"Hey Lucy, who else lives he I am catching an intriguing scent?" Jack said.
"The only other girl that isn't me or their mothers is Max's older sister Zoey." Lucy said.
"I think she's my mate." Jack said.
I growled, "You hurt her. I hurt you."
"Stop being a protect brother Max she can handle herself." Luke said.
"I know." I said. "Baby, I am going to go hang out with my friends. You have fun here. Meet you at the lake. Luke knows we're to go."
"Ok, bye, baby." Lucy said, then kissed me hard and passionately. I hear all the boys' wolves whistling at us.
When we pull apart, I head out to the clearing that me and my friends like hanging out at.
When I get to the clearing, I see all the boys sitting around talking. I sneak up on Parker and throw my arms around his neck. He grabbed my arms and threw me off him. After I landed over his shoulder, I guess he released it was me because he said, "Sorry man. Your scent smells different. I didn't realize it was you."
"It's good. How have you and Sophie been?"
"Good Sophie told me the two days ago her and Sarah went to the training grounds and there was a girl training with you guys."
"Yeah, we have a girl training with us. she is good." Cole said.
"Yeah, Sophie said she was beating your butt Cole." Parker said.
"Yeah, and I think she was going easy on me." Cole said.
"Why do you think that?" Parker said.
Ace then said, "After seeing her yesterday,  I think Lucy could beat all of us."
"Yeah, that was intense. Even though, for the most part, I think she was just avoiding hits." Sam said.
"I think she was just having fun with it and wanted to show off her cool trick." Cole said.
"What are you guys talking about, and what cool trick?" Parker asked.
"One of her friends you will meet later was at training yesterday and I paired them two together after seeing them easily bet everyone I put them with and they literally had us clear out of the training clearing for our own safety and at the end we learned that she can partially shift. And then her sniper skills at the gun range afterwards. " Ace said.
"Whoa, that is crazy." Parker said.
"Yeah, I think she was having fun expectionally since before all you guys ran over to us, she said that she avoided any hits that would actually do any damage. Also, watching her face through the fight, I think she was waiting for one of us to say something because when I screamed for her to fight back, I saw her face light up so much." I said laughing.
"Who is this girl?" Parker said.
The rest of the boys looked at me, and then their faces turned too excited and shocked, I guess they just caught my scent change, lol.
"Hold up, you guys finally mated?" Ace yelled.
"What you found your mate Max and said something to all of them but me?" Parker said.
"Not my fault you aren't in the elite warrior group, man. That's the only reason these knuckle heads know, I am telling the pack today."
"How long have you known about her without telling the pack?" Parker asked.
"Almost 2 months."
"What that long without telling the pack and how have you kept her hidden from two months!" Parker said.
"Yeah, I wasn't telling the pack when she wasn't here, and when she came a week ago, I made the decision to wait till today because it was already planned to have the whole pack together. And if things didn't go bad, it would have been even longer before the Pack knew."
"What do you mean went bad, and where was she?" Parker asked.
"I am guessing Sarah told Sophie and Sophie told you what happened to Luke's team?" I said.
"Yeah, they were captured." Parker said.
"Well, my mate is part of that team, and they were supposed to be gone for 6 months." I said.
"Oh, sorry, man, for freaking out like I did." Parker said.
"It's fine. What happened could have been worse." I said.
"Yeah, she could have not made it back." Ace said.
"Or what happened to her friends mate." Carson said.
"What happened to her friends mate?" Cole said.
"Her friend's mates team was captured and tortured using rape of their female leader as a torture technique." Carson said.
"Also, I just learned she was going through all the recovery from when her mate was killed in battle." I added.
"Whoa, that girl is tough." Ace said.
"Yeah, and when I found out that Lucy had been captured, she said she would be there to help me through it whichever way it went." I said.
"How many tours has your mate done?" Parker asked.
"This last one was her fourth and the only one she hasn't lost anyone yet from." I said.
"Yet?" Cole asked.
"Yeah, yet. Since two of them are still in the hospital and she still considers it a mission death if a team mate kills themselves because of what they had been through."
"That's crazy that she takes even that as a team lose." Ace said.
"Really you were there when she got the call about Markus losing his arm and yesterday when she was talking how she blames herself for Randel's death, and you really thinks it is crazy that she takes that as a lose too." I said.
"Ok, true." Ace said.
"The way her and that Blake guy seem together, it really surprises me that you aren't jealous of him." Sam said.
"They are like siblings. They have been through hell together, basic training, four tours, and burying his brother after their first tour." I said.
"Yeah, that would make me jealous if my mate was close to a guy like that if she wasn't dead." Parker said.
"Yeah, expectionally after she called him the other night." Carson said.
"I would be jealous all the time if I was jealous of all her friends that were guys. And Carson like she said that night Her, Blake, and Zach don't talk about that tour, so her coming to me would have been not much help since I wasn't there, and wouldn't know how to help."
"What is Carson talking about?" Parker asked.
"He's talking about how she called Blake after she had a PTSD episode the other night."
"Oh." Parker said.
"Ok guys time for the Lake Part. Myy announcing her as my mate also has a military reconization to it too. Also I know y'all will see her tattoos, so don't ask about the ones on her thighs, please."
"Why not?" Cole asked.
"Because the one is in memory of her dead parents and the other is in memory of her dead teammates."
"Oh ok that makes sense why you don't want us to ask about them." Sam said.
With that, we all headed to the lake.

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