Chapter 9

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Max's POV:
My dad had just got back from the near by pack. Mine and Carson's family were having dinner together. Mom and Zoey kept looking at me smiling and I kept rolling my eyes at them. Then my dad caught me doing that and said, "What is going on that you girls keep smiling and Max you keep rolling your eyes at them?"
"Nothings going on." I said.
"There is obviously something I don't know. What is it?" Dad asked.
"It's just something Max is trying to avoid thinking about." Carson said.
"What is it Max don't make me order you to tell me." Dad said.
"Ok, fine. I found my mate." I said.
"That's great son. What's her name?" Dad asked
"Lucy Black." I answered.
"What pack is she from and how did you meet her?"
"She is from the Warriors pack. And I meet her at the airport when I was going to visit Alpha Connors."
"Oh the Warriors that's a pack name I haven't heard in a long time." Dad said.
"It's ok when she told me. I had never heard of it." I said.
"I am guessing that your mom and Zoey has got to meet her so when do I get to meet her?" Dad asked.
"Actual mom and Zoey haven't met her yet. Zoey just happened to call when I was out to dinner with her and Blake." I said.
"Who's this Blake and why don't you sound jealous?" Dad asked.
"Blake and Lucy are friends that are more like sibling." I answered. "Also, I would always be jealous if I got jealous by her friends because from what she has told me she really only has one friend that is a girl, but she is also her cousin."
"I wouldn't be able to handle that, so where is the girl and when do I get to meet her?" Dad asked.
"She's in Afghanistan and if everything goes good you can meet her in 5 months." I said then felt a sharp pain go across my stomach making me scream bloody murder.
"What is wrong son?" Mom asked concerned.
"It's Lucy's pain she's been hurt. Hopefully she's alright. " I said sadly.
"Isn't Afghanistan where Luke is?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, Lucy is his team's Commander." I said proudly.
"So she's the one Luke couldn't stop talking about when he was home." Dad said.
"Yes, that's her." I said.
Then my phone started ringing I looked down and saw it was Alpha Connors. I then said, "I have to take this." And answered my phone, "Hi, Conners. What's up?" I said.
"Hi, is Luke's family around you?" He asked. I looked around the table scared what he was about to say.
"Yeah they are right here mine and his family are having dinner." I said.
"Ok, Can you put the phone on speaker, so they can hear what I need to say." He said.
"Yeah, I can do that." I said.
"Ok I am going to add someone else to this call. Ok, so be quiet till after I tell y'all what I need to?" He said.
"Ok." I said. Taking my phone and putting it on speaker looking at Luke's mom saying, "He needs to say something to you guys too he is adding someone else to the call as well."
Luke's mom said, "Ok." Looking like she is about to cry.
Then a happy guys voice came across the phone, "Hey General, What do you need?"
Then Connors said, "Hey, Jack. Is Rose around?"
Then Jake's Voice turned serious, "She's in her office I can go get her what's this about."
"I will tell you all after you get Rose." Conners said. A little while later a Girls voice came on all serious, "General what is this about and also you said to Jake that you would tell all of us who else is on the call, sir."
"Rose, Jake I am guessing Lucy never said anything to you two about the fact that she found her mate. He is on the call with the family of one of Lucy's team members." Connors said.
"Yeah she didn't say anything but she only talked to Jake for a few minutes a few weeks ago. But nevermind that. What has happened General." Rose said.
"About 30 minutes ago I got a call from the camp medics about a radio call from Lucy. Telling us that there was nothing more she could do to avoid it that her and her whole team have been captured." Connors said.
"Do you know if they are alright?" I asked my voice getting weak.
"I am not sure. All her transmission said was that the boys were captured and that she had been spotted and Zander was shot then the transmission was cut off probably when they got to her snipers nest." Conners said.
"She will use her training and evaluate if she can get everyone out alive based off of any injuries that they have. If she doesn't think they can escape safely with all of them alive. She will have them stay put and wait for rescue, but that means withstanding more torture for all of them. So you better send your best rescue team to find them, General." Jack said.
"Yes, I know that training method that your pack has Jack. I also know her and Blake are probably still armed with their hidden knives. And I am sending Matt and Hunter's rescue team to recover them." Connors said.
"What do you mean that you know those two are armed and why only those two?" Luke's Mom asked.
"I know because even my best weapons searchers always miss them and end up stabbed when they do that night training exercise with Lucy's team. And only those two because that is something only three people know about and they all promised as long as two of them were still on the team that they would not tell anyone else." Connors said.
"Whose the other one if there are three that know?" Luke's Dad asked.
"Let me guess the third was Randel?" I asked Connors.
"Yeah that is right. It is s Randel special thing that he came up with to only share with family since Lucy was basically a little sister to him." Connors said.
"Ok General let us know whatever, you need. Bring them home." Jack said and hung up.
"Ok I need to make two more calls, so I am going to have to let you go." Connors said.
"Hold up, have you told Bailey yet?" I asked.
"Yeah her and Zach's family were my first call since they are my pack members." Connors said.
"Understood, I will make sure to call her later and make sure she is alright." I said. Then Connors hung up. Then Luke's parents turned to me and asked, "Who's Randel and who's Bailey?"
"Lucy's second in command Blake's mom is Bailey and Lucy is like a daughter to her and she has all ready lost one son who was killed in action on Lucy first tour. Randel was Lucy's commander during her first tour and Bailey's son who was K.I.A." I said.
"Oh, my. If I was Bailey I would be freaking out even worse right now." Luke's mom said.
I then got up and went and called Bailey. When she answered the phone she said, "hello who is this?" It sounded like she had been crying.
"Hi Bailey, it's Max Lucy's mate. I was just wanting to call and check on how you were doing after Connors called."
"You are strong boy your mate is captured and to be tortured and you are calling to check on me. I am alright." Bailey said.
"Hi Max. This is Molly I was Randel's mate whichever way this goes good or bad I am here to talk if you need. If bad I can try to help you cope I have lost my mate in war. And if the good of this situation I will be here to help Lucy through whatever has happened to her, I have been in the same place Hopefully in a worse situation then she is in." Molly said.
"Thanks Molly if you guys need anything please call." I said.
"We will thank you and stay strong Lucy is one tough cookie and will do as much as she can and go through so much to try to get her whole team back alive. Bye." Bailey said.
"Bye Bailey, Molly." I said. And they hung up. Then I went back to the dining room and Hailey, Luke's mom, was crying her eyes out. At the same time there was a knock on the door, so I went to answer it. When I opened the door I saw Sam and his twin sister Sarah Luke's best friends. "What's up, you two?" I asked.
"I don't know. I just got a text from Carson saying to come here." Sarah said.
"Oh, ok. Come in. Everyone is in the dining room." I said. When we entered the dining room, they saw that everyone looked upset.
"What happened?" Sam asked.
"We just received a call from Luke's General." I said.
Sarah then said, "Please tell me he is not dead."
"Not that we know. General Conners didn't know that information to give us."
Then Sam cuts me off, saying, "What do you mean the General doesn't know that information?"
"If you wouldn't cut me off, I was getting to that. Luke and his whole team have been captured. We don't how any of them are." I said.
With that Sarah and Sam started crying with Hailey. I then yelled, "Can everyone stop crying please?"
"How are you not crying, your mate has been captured?" Dad asked.
"You found you mate Max?" Sarah asked through tears.
"Yeah and she's the commander of the team Luke is in, but please don't tell anyone else in the pack." I said.
"Yeah Dad's right how are you not crying?" Zoey asked.
"Because I at least know she is still alive and besides when I screamed before we got the call I haven't felt anymore of her pain. Also look at Carson he isn't crying either he just looks scared." I said. And everyone looked at Carson. Then Mom said, "Your right Carson how are you two so calm compared to the rest of us."
"Because I figure unless there was nothing Lucy could do as long as Max still feels her. I am going to stay positive that Luke is alive too." Carson said.
"Son why do you say that?" Hailey asked.
"He says that because we watched them train and Lucy push those boys passed their breaking point, and taught them how to withstand more pain without showing it. I bet she didn't even react, or if she did, it was probably just a smart ass comment to the pain I felt that made me scream bloody murder. Also, Carson says that if she's alive that her team is if she could do anything about it because those boys are like family to her. And Zoey, you should know this from the fact of you just sounding sad about saying bye to Luke had her growling at you. When you said that on the phone that day she did a complete 180 went from carefree and laughing at me to growling and going into super protective and serious mode. She will try to keep the worse of the torture on her.  Which will suck for me." I said.
"Ok that is true she did go from laughing at you to growling at me super fast, but that doesn't prove that she would take the beatings for her boys." Zoey said.
I growled at her. Then Carson said, "If that isn't proof enough for you Zoey. The scars from bullets she has taken for her teammates should."
"How'd you see these scars Carson?" Mom said.
"When she was training in a sports bra and shorts. Then we asked about them later at dinner so she told us the story behind some of them." Carson said.
After we finished calming our families down I went up to my room to try to get some sleep. As soon as I laid down I started screaming and I couldn't be happier for the soundproof walls because mine and Carson's families did not need to hear me. After a few hours the pain finally subsided alittle and I tried going to sleep since it was already 2 am, but I knew I wasn't going to sleep much tonight. When I rolled over that morning it was 5 am, so I got up and took a shower and got dressed. Then I headed downstairs to get some breakfast. When I entered the kitchen Carson and Zoey were down there eating cereal. Carson looked up and said, "Man you look like crap."
"Yeah I probably do I couldn't even try sleeping till after two and even then I slept like crap." I said.
"Why couldn't you go to sleep? " Zoey asked.
'You really heard nothing those soundproof walls work extremely well." I said.
"You didn't answer Zoey's question." Carson started.
"Lucy's Pain." Is all I said.
"What? When did you start feeling it?" Carson asked.
" Around 10." I answered.
"That's a long time." Zoey said.
Then I fell to my knees and screamed. After that all our parents were in the kitchen the next minute. Mom saw me on the floor and looked at Carson and Zoey and asked, "What's going on?"
"I am going to say the same thing that kept him up most the night." Zoey said.
"And what's that?" Hailey asked.
"Lucy's pain." Carson answered.
"Oh," Dad said sadly. With that, he picked me up and brought me to my room. But left the door open. When he went back to the kitchen, I heard him say, "Carson, me and you will handle pack duties till they come home, and Max can stop feeling Lucy's torture."

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