"Oh.." she says, taking Uriah's tiny hand into hers.

"Jimin and Michelle should be here in another hour or two. I was thinking that after this we could get him cleaned and dressed before putting it on some cartoons." She suggested.

"Sounds good to me. I'm free all day today." Hoseok says.

He would've mentioned that if she wanted, Uriah could stay another night. But Hoseok never knew what was bound to come up and he didn't want to just leave her with Uriah if they both agreed to babysit. So they would just have to get him once he was completely free again.

After breakfast, they stuck to the plan. Freshened up, got a Uriah changed and dressed before sitting in the living room and watching cartoons. A few hours later Jimin and Michelle arrived to get Uriah who was both happy to see his parents and sad to leave his aunt and uncle.

But after talking for awhile they made arrangements and Uriah would be coming back soon.

Afterwards, they both got back on the couch and engaged in some movie watching. Trinity ate some fruit and eggs (weird combination but she enjoyed it) as hoseok took it upon himself to place her legs on his lap. Rubbing them and occasionally massaging her feet all while they watched Happy Death Day.

Oreo was on the floor enjoying one of his chew toys.

Hoseok thought the movie was incredibly weird but it's what trinity wanted to watch.

"A friend-" Hoseok started speaking but Trinity raised her finger. "Shhhhh!" She shushes him.

Hoseok pursed his lips, looking over at her. Trinity's eyes were glued to the tv screen for about two minutes straight before she picked up the remote and paused.

"Sorry. I always over analyze that scene. What were you saying?" She asked cutely.

Hoseok laughed and shook his head before squeezing her leg.

"A friend of mine wants us to have dinner with he and his wife soon."

Trinity didn't expect that. Mainly because it was never something they did often. Or ever, for that matter. Anytime they had dinner with other people was when it came to both their friends and also Trinity's parents.

"It's my friend Sik. Cool guy." Hoseok says.

"Isn't Sik the guy I met before we went to Hawaii?" Trinity asked. Hoseok modded. "Mhm. And he wants me and you to have dinner with them soon."

"Oh...okay." Trinity stammers, looking down at her plate. In all honesty, the thought of having dinner with somebody Hoseok worked with was extremely scary.

From what she remembered about him, Sik was a kind gentlemen who didn't seem mean in the least bit. Maybe it was just her knowing that she would more than likely be having dinner with a gang participant or narco (other than hoseok) that had her on edge.

"If you're uncomfortable-"

"I'm not. I'm...not. It's just that we don't do things like that so I was a bit surprised." Trinity explained.

Hoseok gave her a short term look before looking elsewhere. That was understandable she be a little nervous. But Sik wasn't a bad guy and he and his wife would strive to make a guest feel comfortable in their home.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now