Cyrus' Undiscovered Power

Start from the beginning

Cyrus: Come on, don't pass out just yet! I wanna go for a couple more rounds!

Suddenly, he caught notice of a black blur zipping down the grand staircase.

Cyrus: A new friend? Who might you-

Before he could react, the figure was right in front of him. The figure then jabbed a fist into his gut. Once it made contact, torrents of yellow lightning crackled all around them. In the new yellow light, Cyrus could make out the face of Grandmaster (L/N) in front of him. It was only a matter of seconds before Cyrus was out cold. 

Within Cyrus' Mind

Cyrus could find himself in a pitch black void. Nothing to be seen around him. However, he could see his own body just fine. It perplexed him, but the confusion was overshadowed by the throbbing pain he felt in his head. As he continued to grasp around for something, anything tangible, he found a gleaming light in the distance. Having no other clues as to where he was, he headed towards it. Once he reached it, he got a good look at it. It was a red, glowing sphere, no bigger than a basketball. As soon as he processed what the object was, he then noticed a series of other similarly sized spheres of different colors in line with this one. He was confused that he had not seen them before, but at this point, he had come to terms with the fact that wherever he was didn't apply with basic logic. As he continued to inspect the orb, he felt a greater and greater compulsion to lay his hand on it. With no other real option, he did as his instincts told him. The moment he felt the orb, he began to get visions.

???: From The Earth, Life Sprang Forth.

His vision shone a pale red and showed what appeared to be microscopic images of bacteria and single celled organisms.

After a few moments of this, his vision faded and the red orb was gone. He now felt a strong urge to touch the next orb, which was orange in coloration. When he touched it, he received another vision.

???: In The Water, It Boiled and Brewed.

His vision now shone a pale orange. He now saw images of fish and other simple aquatic life.

His vision faded and now he went to touch the third orb, which was yellow in coloration.

???: It Was Baptized by the Fires of Evolution.

His vision was now a pale yellow. He saw a scene of a forest being burned down, the source of this fire being an erupting volcano. As the ash continued to spew into the sky, his vision ended.

Now, he went to grasp at the fourth orb. This one was green in coloration.

???: But It Always Took to the Air and Flourished.

His vision was a glass-like green. He saw a massive flock of birds soaring high in the sky.

His vision ended and he moved onto the fifth orb. This orb was a light blue in coloration.

???: Life Beats to the Sound of the Cosmic Drums

His vision shone in a turquoise hue. He was faced with an abundant meadow, teaming with wild animals grazing on the tall grass.

Once that vision ended, he moved on to the sixth orb, which was cracked and purple.

???: But every light eventually fades.

His vision glimmered with an uneven purple hue. He now saw a horrific scene of a burning village. This village was being ravaged by Grimm. As the grimm tore apart any stragglers they could get their claws on, one of them let out an unholy howl.

His vision once again dissipated, he moved on to the seventh orb. This orb was pink in coloration.

???: And the Cosmic Powers Find a Way to Redeem It.

His vision now shone in a pale pink. His vision showed civilization. It showed Humans, it showed Faunus, it showed beings that could only be described as aliens. One thing was shared by all of them, they were all a part of a complex society.

His vision went away once again, and he moved on to the eight orb. The eighth orb was a brilliant silver.

???: Among This Life, Some Go Beyond the Natural Limitations.

His vision, now black and white, showed many powerful figures. From what Cyrus could see, they were all either Jedi or Sith. All Force users. Hell, some of them were people he actually recognized.

His vision faded and he went to the ninth orb. This one was white in color.

???: And When All Life Is In Peril, A Chosen One Shall Arise.

This vision had no color change to it, he could see it how it was meant to be seen. This vision showed only three people, all of whom he recognized in some way or another. The first two were those he saw in the statues on the Temple Grounds. Those two being Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. The third was Grandmaster (L/N). He understood now, these were the three chosen ones, just as the mysterious voice said.

There was only one orb left. This one perplexed him most. This final orb appeared as though it was adorned with a color that wasn't supposed to exist. When he touched it, the entire realm began to shake. And the mysterious voice gave a final cryptic message.

???: Unworthy Souls Cannot Hear Every Tale.

Cyrus then awoke from this peculiar facade. 

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