Madison - CHAPTER 27

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"You're what? He what? Madison... What?" Aspen asks her.

"I wanted to tell you guys once it was for real." Madison mumbles.

"You kept this from us for months." Rowan points out. "Months!"

Because Madison knew exactly how would they react. They wouldn't approve. They wouldn't understand.

"He bought you an apartment, Madison." Rowan says in disbelief.

"I didn't ask him, too." She says. "He knew I was struggling to pay rent and to find a place."

Aspen shakes her head. "What will you do when he does the same thing to you that he did to Haven? He also bought her a house, Madison. What about when he wants kids? You guys are too far apart in age to even agree on any life things!"

Madison's knee is bouncing under the table. "Did you say when?"

"Oh come on. You don't actually believe his bullshit, right? He has done this before and he's obviously looking for something new and fresh-"

Madison gets up, cuting Aspen off. "I'm not doing this. I have an appointment to get to."

"What? Running away from real life problems to get botox paid by your boyfriend?"

At least she had Macie. And Sophia who Macie talks about. But this was pulling on her heart. The two girls who had been her best friends since forever were tearing her into pieces.

"No, I'm going to get my tubes tied." Madison says honestly. It wasn't happening tonight, obviously, but she was seeing a doctor about it.

"Oh so he has you doing that now?" Aspen laughs.

"Apsen, you've known forever that I never wanted kids. I've tried to do this before. I'm just finally going through with it now."

"Ask him to get a vasectomy, then."

"He already has one, because we talked about it. And guess what you guys, we are more on the same page than he ever was with his ex wife." Madison snaps. "I need to leave. But I also won't tolerate being treated like I'm clueless and dumb."

"You are acting clueless and dumb!"

"I can't believe I ever trusted you guys." Madison m whispers.

Madison leaves the restaurant and finds an uber to the clinic where Cameron is waiting for her outside. He kisses her forehead when he sees her. "Hey, baby." he says. "Ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay, let's go in then." He puts his hand behind her back. It feels like reassurance after the conversation she just had.

They wait for Dr. Grandy and Madison is thankful when she find out the doctor is a woman. She tells them the procedure and what to do afterwards.

"So, I am required to ask you if you are sure about doing this, Miss Kelly, although I have a feeling you do. I just need your consent, verbally and in a bit we'll get the documents we need to sign." Her doctor explains.

"I do." Madison says and it felt like the best thing in the world. "I really want this."

"Alright. And of course, Mr. Moore. Do you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Great. I'll go get the documents. I'll be right back."

They are left alone in the room and Madison notices she was holding her breath. She takes a deep breath and smiles. "I really happy." Madison admits.

"I'm happy for you."

"Thank you for coming with me." She grabs his hand.


The doctor comes back and they do all the signing and reading they need to do. Madison doesn't like the idea of not doing anything for a week to recover but it comes with it.

"I will see you this weekend." The doctor smiles.

Madison and Cameron decide to head back to his place for a while and hang out before he heads to the arena for a game.

He sets the sandwich he made for himself on his side table while he sets the doritos on Madison's along with his water and her sprite.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks her.

She shakes her head. "Just you."

"Well you don't need to tell me twice." He amirks and she laughs. He gets in the couch with her. He pulls half her body onto him and covers the both of them with a blanket.

"Hi." He says into her ear once they find the perfect position.

"What's up?" She asks him, wearing a smile from cheek to cheek. "Oh, Macie is calling me."

She picks up the phone and before she can say anything, Macie is feaking out. "Have you checked the news? You should definitely check the news."

Madison puts her on speaker when Cameron asks her to. "Why? What happened?"

"TMZ... They caught you and Cameron leaving a clinic. They're claiming all these different things and they interviewed Haven about it."

Silence. "I sent you the link." Macie says.

Cameron grabs Madison's phone since she seems incapable to do anything. "Hey, Macie. I'm opening the article right now." Cameron says into the phone.

He reads the article. They're claiming that the divorce never went through, that he got Madison prengant and she got an abortion and that Cameron abandoned Haven.

None of it is true. Absolutely none.

" 'I thought he loved me! I can't believe he did that! And taking the life of an innocent child? I guess I didn't know him at all.' Haven said that. Can you fucking believe it, Mace?" Cameron says, upset.

"Would you agree with me if I said yes? The woman is insane and is so obviously trying to sabotage Madison and your relationship." Macie tells him.

Madison finally moves. She hides herself onto Cameron's chest, breaking down in tears and he tries not to do the same. "What do we do?" He asks, while he rubs Madison's back and holds her tight.

"Haven is London, when she comes back I'll talk to her. Maybe you can take care of TMZ in the morning and find out who took those pictures. Focus on the game for the night. I know it will be hard because even Aaron and Colton are loosing their minds." Macie explains the game plan and Cameron agrees to it.

"I'm guessing you told them why we were really there, then?" He asks.

"I had to. But you know them, they're supportive."

"Yeah, they are. I'll see you tonight, Mace."

"I might watch it from home. Madison isn't going to the game, I'm assuming? I can come over and spend time with her."

"That would be great. Thank you for telling us, Macie."

They both hang up and Cameron finally puts both his arms around her. Madison's crying hasn't stopped or slowed down. All he can do is comfort her before he looses it himself.

Madison - #2 in the ice seriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang