Madison - CHAPTER 5

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"You, Madison Kelly, are friends with Cameron Moore and his teammates." Says Aspen, her mouth wide open.

Madison shakes her head. "We hung out with them doesn't mean we are friends."


"Shhhh! will you tone it down?" Madison says waving her hand, telling her friend to settle.

"We are at a bar," Aspen says. "Quite literally everyone is yelling. Except you. Did you really bring your sketchbook?"

Madison shrugs. "Yeah. I had no idea if I would get bored."

Aspen takes it from her. "You won't get bored. This is fun!"

"We have different ideas of fun remember. Plus, we can't even drink yet."

"Not unless we get someone to buy it for us," Aspen smirks.

Madison immediately shakes her head. "No, please no. I hate alcohol and I have a boyfriend AND I have to wake up early tomorrow so no."

"Suit yourself." Avery shrugs. "I'll be right back."

Macie: you come to this bar often?

Madison looks around and Macie waves at her. She's there with her boyfriend, Aaron. Madison walks up to them. "Hey." She smiles.

"I didn't know you did bars." Macie points out.

"I don't. My friend Aspen dragged me here. It's not bad though."

"You still coming Friday? Cameron said you and Tony were," Aaron asks her after drinking out of his beer.

Madison shrugs. "I told him I didn't know."

"Well, I guess you are now," Macie smirks. "Us girls like to dress up even if it's just an informal dinner if you want to get ready together."

"Is Haven going to be there?" Madison asks and it comes out the wrong way. "I mean like-"

Macie laughs it off. "Yeah she will but she's usually in her own world, don't worry. So, are you in?"

"Only if I have no homework to do or no-showing at the gallery."

"Cameron will want you there," Aaron says casually. Macie slaps him. Madison notices. "What? It's not like it isn't true."

Madisons cheeks flush. "I'll try to make time for it. I enjoy my alone time so we will see."

Aspen then walks up to Madison. "Hey, I didn't know you had friends besides me and Rowan." She teases her with a smirk.

Madison rolls her eyes. "Aspen this is Macie and Aaron, Macie and Aaron this Aspen. We met after the hockey game as well."

Aspen widens her eyes but doesn't say anything. Madison was friends with celebrities at this point. "Nice to meet y'all." She says with a smile.

"You too." Macie smiles back. "So, Friday, send me your address and I'll pick you up. Do you also want to get coffee tomorrow?"

"I can't-" Aspen stomps on her foot. "Sure. When?"

"Around 11? We can go to the Starbucks downtown."

"Sounds like a plan." Madison agrees. "We gotta get going through. It was nice seeing you guys."

"Bye Madi!" Macie and Aaron yell as Madison and Aspen leave.

When Aspen and Madison get in the car, Aspen screams. "So now your friends with like the whole hockey team?!"

"I don't think it's that big of a deal. I'm sure they're just being friendly since Tony is obsessed with them. He's the social butterfly, not me."

Aspen rolls her eyes. "I cannot believe that my introverted, anti-social, best friend is friends with pro athletes and their girlfriends. I'm not complaining though. Good for you!"

Madison shrugs. She didn't understand what was so bad about her liking to be by herself and not around people. Sure, she needed to work on her social skills and confidence overall though she handled herself pretty well out there tonight it wasn't on often occasion.

"You can tag along tomorrow if you want." She offers. "I'm sure Macie won't mind."

Aspen shakes her head. "You go and meet new people. I'm happy for you Madie. Seriously."

Aspen drives her to her apartment where Anthony is waiting. "Hey," Madison says mid-yawn.

"You said you'd be back like an hour ago."

"Sorry. We hit traffic and my phone died. You know how old Aspen's car is. Doesn't even have a USB." She tells him. It was all true.

He huffs. "Well, maybe next time you could text me from her phone."

Madison is taken back by his attitude. "Wow. Okay. I will." Then she laughs but he doesn't. "How was your day?"

"Shit. My professor threw away all my ideas for my business."

You didn't have any she wants to say. But she decides not to. "I'm sorry babe." She goes with. She tries to hug but Anthony pushes her off.

She hated when he did that because she knew that the next day he would blame her for not carrying. "Okay well, I'm going for coffee with Macie-"

"I can't take you."

Madison's face went red. But she held it in. She always did. "I wasn't going to ask for a ride. It's downtown so I can walk. It's tomorrow at 11 am and I don't know how long I'll be gone but maybe we could grab dinner together after classes and bring it back to the apartment? We haven't-"

"I'll have to see." He has yet to look at her.

She stops trying. She puts her jacket away and walks to her bedroom. Madison locks the door, letting him know he needs to go back to his place.

She slowly gets ready for bed, trying to take care of herself and the moment she gets into bed. She falls asleep.

Meanwhile, in the Moore house, there's everything but silence.

"I'm so tired of your shit, Cameron!" Haven yells. "It's always hockey, always the boys-"

Cameron breaks out into laughter because he can't believe this argument is happening. They were just kissing two minutes ago.

And what she said couldn't be farther from the truth.

"You know that's not true."

"Oh really? So what is?"

He gets up to get dressed and also to avoid her death glare. "When was the last time you came to support me at a game, willingly?"

"The other-"

"Two seasons ago. Right after we got married." He corrects her. "I've sent you flowers every week since we started dating and if I haven't it's because we went together to pick them out. I go to your social media events every chance I get. I'm the one who holds you every single night whether it's physically or mentally, so cut the bullshit. I tell you I love you every fucking day, and I mean it. Work with me Haven. Meet me in the middle."

Haven shakes her head. "Not when you make yourself the victim. I have a very busy schedule, Cameron. I'm sorry I can't always give you my all."

He knew all of this was bullshit but he didn't know how to end it. Maybe it was just another bad night. Haven has those when she doesn't sleep well.

Yeah, that's what it is.

"You're right, babe." He apologizes. He kisses her forehead. "Let's get some sleep, okay?"

All she does is nod and then turn around. No apology. No nothing.

"Goodnight." He says and turns off the light.

Madison - #2 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now