Madison - CHAPTER 40

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Madison was back in Nashville and so was Cameron. They were out with the rest of the Nashville team having dinner.

"How do you like it up in Queen City?" Aaron asks him.

Cameron shurgs. "It's alright. Not the same as the Sailors though."

"Have you guys found a place yet?" Macie asks.

No, they haven't. They haven't even looked. They stayed away in Cameron's apartment all week besides going to games. "No." Madison answers. "We didn't think about it."

"If you guys miss us just say that." Colton smirks.

"I just miss you." Cameron winks at Colton as joke. "Nah. but we just needed time to do nothing. Next time Mads comes up we're going house hunting."

"What's your budget?" Macie asks.

"3 to 4 million." Cameron answers and half the group spits their drink out. "What? Toronto is expensive and I luckily have the money saved up. Plus it's near where Madison wants to open up her Gallery."

Macie's eyes shot to Madison. "Why didn't you tell me about that?" Macie asks dissapointed.

"I just wanted to make sure I could do it. I've finally saved up enough depending on the space I want to rent-"

"You're renting? Wouldn't it be best if you bought?"

"Well I still need to find a few artists in Toronto besides adding my own and who knows if I'll be successful." Madison explains. "It's a lot of work."

"Well we are here to help. Macie has worked in social media and communications. I'm sure you guys can work something out to get artists and get the place up and running with clients." Aaron reminds her.

"Only if you want me working with you." Macie reminds her.

"Of course I do. I would rather you than a total stranger. Even if they weren't strangers I would still choose you." Madison tells her.

"Then is this it? Are we working together?"

"Yeah. I guess we are."

Everyone in the friend group cheers and Cameron winks at Madison. She hide's her face on his shoulder. She was so happy. Things we already looking up but this really did it. She was finally doing something on her own without Cameron's help and now she could prove it to everyone.

After dinner, The two girls already have their heels off and the guys have taken off their ties and untucked their shirts. "I want ice creammmm." Colton wines.

"That's such a good idea actually." Madison gasps, exicted about desert. She looks up at Cameron. "Can we get ice cream?"

"Of course." He smiles. "What kind?"

"Coffee obviously."

Cameron shakes his head. "I doubt you need anymore caffeine, babe."

"Doesn't matter, I won't listen to you."

"As you should." Macie adds. "I also want coffee ice cream."

"Colton, what have you done?" Aaron asks him with a laugh and Colton shurgs defenseless.

They get their coffee and Madison does choose the coffee flavored one. They all sit outside the shop and eat in silence.

"How are Sophia and Wade doing?" Madison asks Macie.

"Good! I heard their moving to Canada soon. Sophia is taking it hard but she's also extremely excited. His family adores her so they'll be in good hands while they settle down."

"That's nice. Where are they moving to?" Cameron asks.

"Calgary. Or a town near the city. I don't think they've decided yet. Pretty close to your family actually." Macie looks at Cameron.

"Yeah it sucks that I'm actually across the country." He laughs to lighten the mood. "We'll eventually move out there, right Madison?"

Silence. Madison heard him but she chooses to pretend she didn't.



"You'd move to Canada with me right?"

"I already am."

"Cmon, Madison."

Their friends look at them back and forth, taking in their possible first real fight. Not the kind where they fight over who pays.

"I don't think we should be talking about this right now." She whispers noticing the stares.

"Where do you want to live?" He ignores her. "Be honest."

She wants to live here. In Nashville. There's nowhere else she'd rather be. It's her home. Her silence answers the question.

"We're leaving." Cameron gets up and walks to the car upset.

Madison shakes her head and thanks Colton for the ice cream before running behind Cameron.

"Are you seriously doing this right now? Infront of our friends?" Madison asks. "This is a conversation we don't need to have yet."

"Why? Because we'll breakup eventually?" He jokes. Madison doesn't like his tone.

"Why would you even think that?" She asks him. "We have so much time ahead of us. We'll be in Toronto for six years already. We have time to think this through."

"But you already have, haven't you? You want to stay in Nashville."

"So you're saying that after I move to a different country to live with you, you wouldn't do the same for me?"

"I had a plan!"

"Don't yell at me, Cameron." She says. "Since when did you have this plan? Since you got with Haven? Was it her idea to move back?"

He doesn't answer this time.

"Are you being serious?" She scoffs. "Please, just get into the car and drive."

She slams the door shut. And after a few seconds he gets in.

When they get to the house, Madison grabs what she needs from their room and takes into the guest room. Cameron leans on the door frame watching her furiously make the bed comfortable.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes.

She doesn't answer.




"What do you want me to say, Cameron? You still want to move to Canada after you retire because that's the plan you had with your EX wife and I want to move here. Your girlfriend, you know, the one that actually loves you."

"I've just never thought about life in any other way."

"Then you should start doing so. Let me know once you have." And Madison slams the door.

Madison - #2 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now