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Serenity POV

"I want to see him." looking up from my paper work there stood Oliva she'd been to her self these past few days and me and Prince haven't pushed her  to give us an answer.

Removing my glasses and placing them on my desk, "Okay let me talk to your dad and we'll set something up." darting her eyes down to Alexis who was on the floor coloring with her head phones on as usual.

"Is he going to be mad I want to see him ?" of course she meant Prince of course we were upset with her for rambling through our closet, Oliva had a whole closet full of stuff  but insisted on rummaging through mine to use my jewelry, purses and perfume oh the joys of having a daughter.

"Why do you think he'd be mad at you Oliva ?" taking seat in front of my desk, "Because I want to see him, Prince is my dad and nothing or no is going to change that nothing in this world, I don't want him to feel like I am trying to replace him.

Looking up behind Oliva there was Prince he must've come up from the studio, "I'd never be mad at you for wanting answers Oliva." coming further into the office taking a seat next to her. "Oliva I want to protect you at all cost and it does bother me that now all of a sudden he wants to talk to you.

It'd be hard on any parent, and I am not mad at you I don't want you to think that in the slightest." looking into his eyes I could tell that she was making sure he was telling the truth letting, "Okay." standing she left out the office leaving the three of us alone.

Reaching down he pushed Lexis headphones back, "Lex go sit in the living room please."

Once the two of were alone he turned his attention back to me, "This is nonnegotiable Serenity, I am having a security detail come with us she is not going to be alone with him at any point during this meeting.

And neither will you if he gets out of pocket we leaving and he will have no further contact with you or her." his icy voice let me know there was no talking around his wish's. "Fine I'll reach out and set up a meeting-"

"You will do no such thing Serenity I will set up a meeting." staying quiet trying to find the right words as to not start up an argument with him we needed to be on the same page and arguing never keeps us on the same page.

Taking deep breath, "Prince I get you want to be in control of this situation, but you don't need to talk to me like that alright." putting my reading glasses back on starting to look through some paper work for the restaurant Knifes of Mercy has been turning record profits.

Prince left out and I continued working for a couple hours before heading down stairs to start on dinner.

Of course I understood Prince's wishes and where he is coming from and it may not seem that serious I don't like the way he went about putting demands on me like I am incapable of knowing how to set boundaries when it comes to this situation.

At the end of the day I know Owen and Owen is fucked up yes but if he's willing to risk getting his ask beat again then whatever he wants to talk about with Oliva must be important.

Moving around this kitchen making dinner for me Prince and Alexis I made sure to listen out for the twins on the baby monitor.

"Serenity." feeling Prince's arms snake around my waist as I continued making baked feta pasta, placing kisses down my next rocking me side to side. "Prince I am trying to finish dinner." moving away from him trying to get dinner finished as quickly as possible.

Groaning he moved standing in my way, "Prince move I am really not in the mood for this crap now." shaking his head he pulled me back into his arms. "Kiss me." rolling my eyes yanking away from him catching him off guard.

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