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!!This chapter contains some tough topic and graphic content please take notice!!

"Oliva please I really don't have time for this today I need you to just be nice alright please." I begged looking at my daughter who was clearly pissed at me for even bringing her. "I don't know why I have to play nice with that man I mean it's not like he's going to stick around this time." she shot back before taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Oliva I am not doing this with you today I am not now that is your sisters father and an adult and you will respect him or  so help me I will embarrass you right here." keeping a smile on my face I raised my eye brow daring her to try me today.

Right on que Prince came in carrying Alexis, coming right over to the table I stood up while Oliva stayed in her seat with her arms cross mumbling under her breath, leaning down towards her I snatched her up by her ear. "Ow mama ow!"

"You better get your shit together I am not going to do this with you keep it up and you can forget your little vacation next weekend." I hissed in her ear she knew she was already on thin ice with me she had been trying me these past few days.

Vi says she's just acting out but I know just how to handle that I'd never beat my child ever but she's got things  and privilege's that can most definitely be take from her.  "Well don't you two look beautiful today hello Oliva." Prince greeted I am glad he's still trying to make and effort with Oliva even though she's refusing to even put  in a little effort.

"Sup." moving away from me she sat back down, exhaling I gave Prince and apologetic look before reaching for Alexis. "Hello my beautiful Blessing did you have a good time with your daddy, I know you did," placing a kiss on her cheek I looked her over seeing her hair had been braided differently. "Kim did it I hope you don't mind but I took her swimming and I couldn't just leave it all frizzy." nodding I didn't have a problem with that at all.

Once we we're all seated together I was just happy to have my baby girl home with me I know she needs to spend time with her father but I've got to get used to her being gone like that. "So did you two have a good time I hope she wasn't to much trouble." shaking his head no Prince bounced a happy Alexis on his knee while she played with his necklace.

"Defiantly no trouble at all I had a goof time with my little Lex she's amazing Serenity truly amazing." for a moment we just looked in each other's eyes and I can't lie I felt something I was really grateful for us having Alexis I think it brought a peace that both of us needed. Taking a breath I looked away from him for a moment.

"Well when do you think I can take her back with me we had such a good time and she really loved Paisley and my staff well they just love her only time they just about snapped is when we lost her doll." nodding I could see it now her screaming her little head off while the whole staff rushed around trying to find her doll or a new toy to amuse her and it was a little funny.

"Well now you know for next time keep the doll in sight at all times, you know I was thinking that maybe you should have a permanent schedule on visitation I mean I don't see any problem with her coming back in forth but we'd have to work around her doctors appointments but other than that we could try her going with you every three four weeks." taking a sip from my tea Prince nodded pleased with my suggestion.

"I am grateful but you now that's not enough time for me I mean three four weeks each month that's not enough time Serenity, how about she spend four months with me in Chanhassen I am sure I can find doctors and specialist who can tag team with the ones she has here." shaking my head that's not going to work not going to happen. "Prince that's three four months, heck her going with you these past eight weeks well that's the longest I've ever been away from her." shaking his head I knew this was about to be an argument.

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