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Short Chapter

Prince POV

"Alexis be careful." I shouted as she jumped down the stairs with her headphone on nodding she moved pass me into the living room. Serenity went to help out at her restaurant this morning so I am flying solo with the kids.

Serenity has been on edge these past couple of weeks worrying about how she was going to break the news to Oliva which is understandable but like I'd told her before she just has to tell her the truth it's better to tell her the truth.

Picking up my son from his bouncer just as the door bell rung I walked over taking the time to open the door.

But no one was there now our home was back in the woods down a paved path surrounded by trees, and it's stupid to come all the way back here to ding dong ditch, seeing there was no car or anything I  looked down to find two big boxes.

Serenity probably ordered some clothes or something, putting Chance down on the sofa then moving all the boxes into the living room just as the house phone began ringing.

"Nelson residence." picking Chance back up he rested his head on my shoulder, "Hey dad is mom with you I've been trying to each her for a hour now." Oliva's voice broke through. "She's at work probably why she's not answering what do you need ?"

"Well we just wrapped up the first half of filming and we're taking a break in a couple of weeks so I was going to come home and rest there." nodding I moved around the house doing some light cleaning while the kids sat in the living room Alexis listening to her music, Paige sleeping and Chance entranced with his fingers.

Picking up one of Alexis's jackets, "Well it's up to you how many days are you thinking about staying you know your sister will be happy to see you."

"I'll be in four two weeks then it's back to LA to be honest I just want to be home right now to much is going on her and I just want to get away from Jaden we're fighting like cats in dogs." holding in the urge her to finally get her to see that she needs to call it quit with this boy.

"Dad I know you don't like Jaden and neither does mom, it just I know that he is a good guy he's just dealing with a lot and I am not making it any better.

Definitely not making it better he lost his role on that show he was doing the roles aren't coming in slowly while I am getting booked left and right and the movie were filming now has everyone wanting more from me it's not easy I don't make it easy." hearing my daughter talk like this made me feel like failure as a father.

Moving around in my seat gathering the right words in my mind, "Oliva don't talk like that, don't you dare sit here and blame your self what's going on in his world, I know you don't want to hear this but you are to young to be trying to get into a relationship.

Put your focus on your studies, career not these boys out here you'll have plenty of  time to date when your way, way, way older you, and you may not like it but it's the truth." the silence on her end let me know she was letting my words sink in.

Talking with her for a couple of more minutes we eventually hung up after a couple of I love you's. Heading down stairs just as Serenity walked in the front door. "Hey baby."

"How was work baby ?" shrugging her shoulder making her way into the living room, giving all the kids kisses on there heads. "Oliva called." I informed her nodding as she slipped off her shoes.

"Oh so how'd that go ?" following her into the kitchen, "Well she's coming home for a couple of days since shooting wrapped up for the first half, you ready to have that conversation with her ?"

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