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Prince POV

"Dad don't forget Lexi's doll !" live shouted at me as we hopped out the car in front of there mothers house I was finally bringing the girls back to LA after an extra three days together. "I got it in my hand Liv." getting up the steps we made our way inside only to see Shemar with a bunch of suite cases. "Where you going Mr. Shemar ?" Liv questioned as he sat down one of the suite cases.

"Umm I am going back to my house but uhh I promise I'll see you around." before she could even speak there was a loud crash upstairs followed by a scream. Oliva took off up stairs, "I got to get the hell out of here congratulations by the way." and with that he picked up his suite cases leaving out.

Making my way upstairs holding Lex on my hip going into Serenity's room the place was trashed, "Momma !" Liv shouted looking at her mom bawled up on the floor sitting Lex down I rushed over to her. "Serenity did he hit you ?" I swear if that man laid a single hand on her- "No we just umm we broke up and well I let my anger get the best of me." getting off the floor pushing her hair back.

"Umm Liv can you take your sister to your room I need a moment." nodding Oliva grabbed her younger sister and they left out quietly.

"So you broke up with him." shaking her head yes of course I wanted to shout and dance on the rough but of course I kept it together. "You don't have to hide your excitement Prince I know your happy about this you don't have to hide your excitement." taking a seat on the edge of her bed something was bothering her I mean just a couple of days ago she was on the fence then all of a sudden she dumps the man.

"He's not going anywhere though Prince well not for now at least." now I was confused taking a seat beside her. "I am pregnant might as well just let the cat out of the bag." now I wasn't expecting that in the slightest. "Your pregnant there's a chance it's his isn't it ?" nodding she ran her hands over her face.

"That night you umm told me to come over and we slept together well I ended up sleeping with him, then you came over the next morning we argued Lex took her first steps and well we ended up having...I don't have to paint you a picture Prince you know what this is ummm this is hell for me." well this is insane I mean really insane.

"Prince I had to leave Shemar because I don't want to be with him I don't love him I don't want wake up with him every morning I don't argue with him or grow old with him I don't want to have kids with him I want to be with you and I want you and I fought it for so long and I can't anymore I love you I am in love with you and I always will be." taking a deep breath I wanted this for a while I wanted her to be mine but not in this way I am glad she pregnant but I don't want it to be Shemar's.

"Well go get a test done tomorrow we are going to put this to rest immediately you are going to give over Knifes of Mercy to Crystal I am sure she can run the place with her eyes closed now and you and the girls will be moving back in with me." waiting for a protest from her I was only met with silence resting her head on my shoulder of course this wasn't the story I wanted for us but I am sure we can work through it. 

Serenity POV

Clean up my mess from my rage early Shemar and me got into a serious screaming match but it resulted in us practically destroying my bed room. I didn't want it to be like this I mean this child might be a blessing in disguise to get me and Prince back on track. "We can't have another baby mom." turning my head there stood Oliva sitting my pillow back in the right place.

"Well it's happening and everything is going to be alright this time around." coming over she took a seat on my bed. "Are you mentally sane enough to handle this mom I mean you just broke up with Shemar and now your here with Prince mom this...this could end with you back in that hospital and....and." seeing my daughter hyperventilate.

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