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"Serenity please call me I really need to talk to you." Noah's voice range desperately through my answering machine of course I deleted it I'd been ignoring him since that little stunt he pulled.

"Chef there is someone here to speak with you a Dorothy Austin." One of my staff let now and quickly left out my office.

Standing I made my way out to the dinning room to see a women sitting at one of the tables waiting patiently walking over I put on a slight smile sitting across from her, "Ms. Austin, what can I do for you ?" for a moment she just looked at me before speaking.

"Well I am sorry for coming here Unannounced I just really needed to talk to you." now I am confused one of my waiter came over bring us to fresh glasses of sweet tea and quickly walking away.

"Umm okay do you need to cater an event for you or would to reserve the restaurant for a private party ?" sighing she pulled out a piece of paper from her purse.

"I am your grandmother." she let out in one breath, looking at my face for a reaction but of course me being me she didn't get one. " Look whatever con your trying to run go run it somewhere else." placing her hand on the piece of papers on the table she pushed it toward me slowly with a sigh.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed the papers opening them one at a time one was a picture of my mother but a younger version of her and this Austin lady was standing there with her and a man as well. 

"Okay people can doctor photos."  I rolled my eyes I wasn't about to get played by this women nodding her head at the papers I looked back down going over there where more photos and several letters.

"Look I don't know what you want if money your not getting any alright this women," stopping I held the picture up shaking it angrily in her face causing her to flinch.

"This isn't my mother, this women is dead to me and you know what I don't have any grandparent alright I don't I was told they died I don't no family alright none so fuck off." slamming the photo down I stood up walking away.

"She died they found her in a basement said she fell down the stairs broke her neck, something about her being high and her body just shut down I didn't even know she was using drugs again." turning around she was standing to her feet with tears in her eyes but her face still held a calmness to it.

"The devil always come for his dues I guess she had pay at some point." and with that I walked off leaving her standing there those people have been dead to me for years now and it's going to stay that way.


"Alexis please stop crying come on daddy's trying to get some work done please." I begged but she continued to scream out this child really had a set of pipes on her. "Man will you please get her to stop I can't hear my self think." Diamond whined beside me, like I didn't have enough on my hands already.

"Lexi come on you just woke up from your nap you've eaten you're changed please stop crying." I tried to sooth her but that only made her louder picking up the phone I tried to see if Serenity had responded to my calls or text but of course nothing.

She knew today would be my first day keeping Lexi by myself why doesn't she have her phone on her in case something happens she's really trying my patience. "My little Blessing why are you crying ?" Vi came in smiling right at Lexi who continued crying out. "She won't stop crying ?" I explained I'd called Vi when Serenity wouldn't answer the freaking phone.

Watching as Vi walked across the room in the opposite direction of Alexis she grabbed her bag pulling out Alexis's doll. "Put her down on the floor." looking at her like she was crazy, Alexis continued screaming and crying. "Prince just do as I say this is going to help her put her on the floor." Vi coached doing as told I placed Lex on the floor Vi squatted down doll in hand Lex lady on her back just a kicking and screaming.

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