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Serenity POV

"I want this baby out of me right now !" I whined sitting on the sofa with my feet up as Prince sat near me songwriting laughing he sat his guitar down. "I know baby your due date has passed but the doctor said he'll come out when he's ready." shooting him a look he's not being helpful at all.

"You know this is your fault Mr. don't believe in time now you got a child inside of me not wanting to abide by the due date." struggling to get up from my seat my bump was huge at this point.

"Serenity he'll come when he's ready you just need to relax." Vi came into the living room with a tray of snacks for me helping me up. "Yeah, yeah you know what I want this kid out of me." waddling into to the downstairs guest bathroom.

Yes I am waddling, not to mention I was spending more time in the bathroom than anywhere else and other than that when ever I could I was all over Prince's bones.

Drying my hands off on the with a towel then making my way slowly back into the living room, Prince had the girls on the floor listening as he played a starfish and coffee on his acoustic guitar.

Prince and me had decided to stay home and work in the studio here, just incase I finally went into labor.

I was honestly enjoying the family time we were having around the house, Prince being her when we wake up and go to sleep at night, I knew he was itching to get back on stage soon but he instead he was fine.

After he finished playing Oliva to Alexis into the kitchen with Vi to have lunch, taking a seat next to him, "Prince you've put on these little concerts for the girls everyday for these past few weeks, I know you miss being on stage alright Chance it's coming anytime soon okay.

Go call your assistant and have a show set up for tonight I'll be here and I'll be fine now go." of course I was prepared for him to protest. "Serenity I am fine plus we don't know when little Chance is going to make his appearance and I don't want to be to far away when you go into labor." shaking my head trust me as much as I want this little boy out of me I knew he wasn't coming today or tonight.

"Prince Rogers Nelson go Vi is here to help me if I needed and Charity will be over later to help with the girls please go I can see you need it baby I'll be fine." placing a kiss on his lips he let out a sigh, "Fine, fine but two hours that's it I'll do a two hour set and then I am coming right back here to you and the kids." giving him another kiss I felt my blood began to heat up.

"We better stop or I am not going no where Mrs. Nelson." laughing a little after we set fire to my childhood house well I'd decided that I would no longer be attached to those people so I'd been asked to be called Mrs. Nelson even though me and Prince haven't tied the knot yet. 

"Fine, fine but two hours and your back here alright now go on you need to get on that stage." placing another quick kiss on my lips he then moved away going up stairs to get him self ready.

"Bout time you got that man out of the house, Serenity." Vi came into the living room drying her hands off. 

Laughing she was right we both knew he could deny it as much as he wanted to but Prince is a music addict there are times at night he would sleep he'd just be up writing and writing.

Or head be down in the studio until the wee hours of the morning I'd have to waddle my way down there just to tell him to take a break. I know that's apart of him when the music hit's him he has to let it out or it will drive him insane.

Didn't take long for him take come down dressed and ready to preform, "Alright I am out are you sure you don't need me to stay baby preforming isn't my main priority anymore this family is you are." resting a hand on my baby bump of course.

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