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Serenity POV

"Prince don't forget the peaches please." I called sitting with my feet up finished off a bag of barbeque potato chips. "Mom, Lexi keeps pulling my hair !" Oliva whined as the pair came into the living room with her younger sister on here heals we'd been living at Paisley for almost two months now and well I told Prince we need to get them into a house so they can have there own areas.

"Alexis leave your sister alone come sit with mommy we're getting ready to leave soon anyway we're going to find out if we're having a little brother or sister for you." finished Prince came back with a bowl of peaches and my shoes.

"Why are my two beautiful daughter in here fighting."  placing my slides on my feet then helping me onto my feet. "Mommy big." Lex laughed she was right I was getting huge. On the way to the doctors I  sat eating my peaches my cravings have been insane I go from wanting peaches to barbeque chips and strawberries Prince of course thinks it's hilarious.

"I don't know why we have to come in here and have a doctor tell us what I already know Serenity your having a boy." Prince huffed as we waiting for the doctor to come in. "Prince there is a chance we're having a girl." shaking his head of course he wasn't hearing it but you know what it's just going to be what it's going to be.  

"Hello Nelson family are we excited to find out our what our bundle of joy is going to be ?" the doctor asked coming in with a smile. "Mommy have a boy!" Lex responded in her fathers arms as she began setting up the sonogram machine. "That's one team boy."

"I think it's a boy to no offence mom." Oliva sided with her father and sister, of course my reward is a smug look from Prince. "Okay this is going to be a little cold." placing the gel on my belly she waited no time moving it around trying to find the baby.

Hearing a loud boom, boom Lex looked around to see where it was coming from, "Its the baby's heart beat Lex." her father explained. "Yes and it is very strong, now for the gender we got three for team boy and one for team girls alright ?" waiting on pins and needles as she moved the wand around my stomach.

Stopping quickly she looked at the monitor smiling. "And team boy has it congratulations." turning to Prince he did a little victory dance I know I wasn't going to hear the end of this about him being right.

The whole ride him Prince and Oliva tossed back and forth names for our new addition I am happy either way around. 

"How about Franklyn ?" she asked from back seat, "No!" me and Prince responded in unison. "Baby, baby ,baby." Alexi kept repeating in the backseat as Prince pulled into the parking lot of her speech therapist office.

"No go I no go." she started recognizing we're we were, turning around she was shaking her head, "But you have to Lexi you know if you do good we get ice cream after come on." Prince tried.

Getting out the car going around to her side I waisted no time opening the door. "Come on baby you know you always have a good time now behave for mama." taking her out of her car seat she moved right into her father waiting embrace.

"I not go daddy stay with you." she whined as Prince picked her up in her arms, "Why don't you want to go princess you always have fun." he asked as she hid her face in her neck but I knew she was crying.

She never acted like this when its time to go to therapy, "I jus wan stay with Daddy." bingo these past month Lexi been attached to her father and if she's away from him for more than a hour well she has a fit.

"Listen Lex I'll be right outside the door okay, now we have to get in there before your late okay baby doll can you do that for daddy ?" looking up she looked at both us nodding her head slowly.

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