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"Mama, mama, mama." Alexis clapped sitting on the examination table waiting for the doctor to come it was time for her monthly check up I was every nervous about this appointment I mean I already knew that Alexis is far behind I mean she's three not walking and her speech is also behind.

Alexis was born thirteen weeks to soon and she was very, very sick but she pulled through it she wasn't even supposed to make it to see three years old so I take every single day with her as a blessing.

"No Lexi say Livia come on Livia." Oliva has been trying to get her to say her name for the longest but has had no success. Oliva's such a good sister I mean the moment she came to the hospital and they met for the first time.

Oliva vowed to love and protect her and so far she's held to it. I remember one time I took the two of them to the park and one of the kids where laughing at Alexis cause she couldn't walk and well let's just make a short story short Oliva got into her first fight and she wore that child out.

After a while the doctor came in, "Well don't you look beautiful today Miss Alexis." the doctor greeted as Oliva move out the way for the doctor to begin her exam watching as she checked her my daughter heart, breathing, ears, eyes and everything else Oliva also watched on closely.

"Well from the charts everything seems fine surface wise but we're still a little worried about her delay in reaching her milestones." due to Alexis being premature she's missed her speech milestone, walking milestone it was a lot but you know what she'll get there eventually.

"Listen doc she's going to be four in soon and I can't send her to school I mean she's not even in preschool heck we skipped daycare I need you to tell me what I can do what we can do to help her come on doc I've been to specialist had several test ran and-"

Taking a seat in the little chair she took Alexis's hands in hers smiling calmly at my daughter, "Ms. Sims we've talked about this she is going to get into it when she's ready alright you can't push her into this we've done everything we can do Miss Sims you need to just relax putting pressure on her will not help just let it happen." taking a deep breath she was right we'd been over this so many times I just didn't want my baby to miss to much. 

Leaving the doctors office I decided to take the girls with me to the farmers market I had to order some fresh produce for the party.
This wasn't just any get together I am having the party because I wanted everyone over with me to be around when the nominations came out for best chef in the area and best restaurant in the city as well I was hopping to at least be nominated, there were so many other great chef's her in LA alone I wasn't expecting to win honestly. 

"Mom look at all these fish." Oliva looked on in horror at all the dead fish on ice, "Baby these are the freshest fish in the area don't make that face." Pushing Alexis's strolled through the crowed open market.
"Ahh chef Serenity good to see you here you'll never guess what I got." one of my favorite guys waved me over to his booth, "Hey Tommy what you got for me ?" stopping the stroller in front of his booth as he turned around pulling out something from behind his back.

"Golden tile fish fresh off the boat this morning line caught and to add on to the joy well I got you the truffles weren't easy to come by but you know me I make it work for the worlds best chef." Smiling I reached forward taking one of the fish in my hand it was perfect, "So you how much is it going to cost me ?" smiling he reached forward giving Oliva a fist bump.

"You know what since you brought my favorite girls with you I'll give it to you for the low price of nine hundred for the fish and for the Italian White Truffles two hundred eleven which is a steal." smiling I handed him back the fish.

The Price Paid 4 Loving U Where stories live. Discover now