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Serenity POV

Eight months pregnant I am pushing for the day I will get Prince's son out of me he is a ball of energy and I love him but it's starting to work my nerves and Prince wants more kids after he's born well we're going to take a little break before that.

Waddling around the kitchen trying to get breakfast in the table I had to take a seat to running out of breath so fast. "Honey just take a seat and let me finish up for you alright Serenity." Vi stepping in for me finishing everything up.

"So how was your last appointment by the way I know you and Prince are excited to have this baby and then the wedding coming up as well." Vi gushed happily as a laugh erupted in the living room Prince and me deiced to invite everyone over for a nice family brunch.

She was right along with getting Knifes of Mercy up and running dealing with being eight months pregnant and planning a wedding it's all a lot but my loving Prince had been an enormous help the entire way.

"We're taking it one day at a time and I am really excited to finally get me happily ever after you know  ?" looking up from cutting fruit she smiled ear to ear, "You know I am so happy for you Serenity." hearing heavy foot steps behind me, "Mommy daddy asked if we could eat ?" Oliva asked placing her hands on my huge baby bump.

I don't know what it is but both my girls love laying and touching on my bump when Baby Nelson kicked hard enough for Oliva to feel it she was extremely excited and so was Alexis who has been addiment on the fact the she is her dads number one and this new baby will not be taking her status.

Even though Prince doesn't have favorites both girls are extremely spoiled, "Tell you dad Ma Vi is finishing up now." turning around in the direction of the living room.

"Momma say Mama Vi be done in a minute !" she shouted rolling my eyes at her, "Oliva what did I tell you about the yelling." Vi called after her.

"Have you heard from Chris ?" shaking her head I knew she was disappointed in her son hell once he came clean to Charity she kicked him out there house and we haven't heard from him since.

"I haven't but I hope he knows he can't hide forever he made this bed now he needs to lay in it plus he has kids to think about not just himself he knew eventually this would come out and he shouldn't have done this in the first place." one thing about Vi is she's going to tell it like it is weather you like it or not.

Taking a deep breath I am honestly just happy to be in a stable and good place with my family.

Sitting down for breakfast everyone just laughed and eat together enjoying the family only person that was missing is Chris. At least Terrance and Donna talked out there problems heck she told me she was going to counseling to work through there trauma and differences.

"I think you should think it through before you take it Oliva I mean I read the script you gave me and well it's a tough movie it's not going to be easy on you, your used to having simple rolls and that's not a bad thing but are you sure you want to cross over now ?" Will questioned taking a sip of his juice.

"Well I mean I can't play the kids rolls forever at some point I want to do serious rolls and be taken seriously plus my agents think it's a good idea if this movie is a success then I'll be able to use the publicity to start the clothing line." Oliva had already expressed her desire to play with roll but Prince didn't know if it was a good idea seeing as the movie is just more explicit.

"Well Livy what ever you choose to do I am going to be there to support you." Vi added taking a bite of her own food.

Feeling the baby move around and kick in my stomach I trying to get comfortable in my own seat but it wasn't happening. "You alright ?" Prince questioned whispering in my ear as to not disturb the family. "Yeah your son is just deciding to have a soccer match in there you know we still haven't come up with a name yet ?"

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