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Serenity POV

"I miss seeing your things in my closet." turning around there stood Prince leaning in the door with Lexi walking in behind him seemed she was attached with him at the hip. "Well it does feel good to be back here better than I expected you know ?" placing my shoes neatly on the rack Lex came over handing me one. "Help mama!" she smiled showing all her teeth.

"Thank you baby." Prince came over taking a seat on the bench beside us, "Where is our eldest she's been very to her self since we moved in." shrugging his shoulders Oliva was extremely happy to be here with Prince and for us to move in together but she's been held up in her room for the past three days.

"You know her she's always up to something you heard back from the doctor yet ?" shaking my head of course that was still hanging over all of our heads the paternity of the child in my womb and well Shemar and me have spoken since I moved here but he's made it no secret that if this child turned out to be his well he would be in court so that the child would be closer to him but I didn't understand that because he's not going to be in one please long enough to have a stable environment for a child.

"You know I think he could use some serious therapy I mean cocaine I am not saying I am squeaky clean but umm well you can't be doing that with a child on the way." shaking my head he was right I knew that for sure. 

"Well he's through a lot one failed marriage the lost of his only child and a bunch of other things I don't want to get in to but umm he isn't the only one that used drugs as a means of coping." seeing a questionable look in his eyes of course that meant he wanted me to explain further.

"Yes I've used with him alright we first tried it at a club in Italy well no actually at a party he through at his house in east LA and well I liked it, it's more of a recreational things for me, a blocking for him he's not a bad person you two share more things in common than you think." putting the last pair of shoes away.

"Referring well all I know is he's going to have to pull it together in the small chance this child is his but I am feeling it's not so he's just going to have to get him self together because you will need to put your focus on our family here." watching as he stood up leaving me and Lex alone I turned looked at my daughter.

"And the Prince has spoken." resting her hand on my stomach she began pocking it playfully, "Mommy, Daddy!" smiling I took a deep breath, "Trust me baby I hope so your to young to under what's going on but don't ever put your self in a situation like this." standing up Lex did the same catching her balance.

Making our way to Oliva's room Lex didn't waist any time pushing the door in rushing into her sisters room. "Lex I told you not to just rush into my room!" Liv screamed laying on her bed sketching something. "Be nice to your sister alright." turning to me she moved sitting up helping her younger sister up on the bed.

"Mom this feels like home."  she smiled playing with her sisters hand, "It just feels right being her with Prince and knowing we're all going to be here together as a real family this time." taking a seat on the bed beside her I couldn't agree more something was right this time.

Knowing we wouldn't have to sneak around his wife or the public we could finally have the this relationship in the right way well it's everything.

"Can we stay here please." I couldn't give her a definite answer, "We'll see baby we will see." standing up I left them alone going to find Prince we needed to have a conversation I know him finding out about experimentation with Shemar well he was going to wanted answers.

Stepping into his room to find him sitting on the bed reading a book, "So we need to talk, I want to know everything Serenity Andrea and I want to know the truth the whole truth." putting a book mark in his book I walked over to take a seat beside him on the bed.

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