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Serenity POV

"Say momma we're home." looking from slicing apples there stood, Prince holding Alexis on his hips I tried to hard to avoid him as much as possible these past few weeks. Sitting Lex down on the floor, sitting my knife down I quickly went around going to give Alexis a hug.

"Hi my little Blessing did you have a good time with your daddy." smiling she clapped her hands wiggling around in my arms. "So you've avoided my for the last seven weeks can we talk now." placing Lexi in her high chair I gave her some cut up apple slices.

"The last time we were supposed to just talk well.....hum well we saw how that turned out." watching as he took a seat at my counter I went back to cooking lunch for me and Liv. "Serenity you and me have to talk." letting out a sigh I guess there was no way out of this. "Fine talk." crossing my arms I just waited for him to talk.

"It happened and you didn't stop me not one time not one time did you stop me Serenity you wanted it you wanted it just as much as I did now you can act like I am the bad guy in all this but you know you felt something-" shaking my head, "And so what if I did if I did feel something Prince I have a man  a wonderful man and him learning about this would crush him I love him alright so what happened was a mistake and that is what it's going to say." nodding his head he stood up coming around the counter.

Backing away from him, feeling my back hit the wall Prince came right in front of me, "I think you and I both know it's going to happen again baby you said so your self that he doesn't do you like me baby you and I both know he doesn't know your body like I do he doesn't know how to make your toes curl up I'll let you believe this isn't going anywhere but you know where to find me when your done playing games." pressing his lips onto mine I was in such a state of shock from his words I didn't push him away.

Moving back he looked at me right into my soul, "You know that me and you are connected in this life and the next." and with that he walked over to our daughter giving her a gentle kiss on head, and then he just left with out another word.

Standing there for a moment lost in thought at what'd just happen how can only his words send my body into heat. "Mom are you alright ?" Looking up there stood Oliva a packet of papers. "Yeah I am fine just got lost in thought have you decided what your going to do for your community service ?" watching as she took a seat up at the counter she just tossed her packet on the counter.

"I don't know I mean highway clean up just doesn't sound like me I mean come on." shaking my head I began cleaning up my mess so I could get ready for dinner.  "It's not supposed to be fun Oliva it's to teach you a lesson and to repay your debt to society, you know ever since you got into these movies and you know have a little spark behind you, you've forgotten were you come from, has it slipped your mind that we didn't always have it like this that if we were still in certain positions they would tossed you in jail and thrown away the key for you stunt.

Oliva I am disappointed in you and you need a dose of hard reality that everyone isn't living like this picking up the packet I read over her options I am actually surprised they gave her options. Once my eyes landed on the perfect one for. "Your doing this one." sitting it back down in front of her I pointed at the one I selected. "Momma no I can't go there come on I rather pick up trash on the high way please." shaking my head I'd already made up my mind.

"You doing it and if you decided to give attitude to anyone there so help me I will personally, call that judge and you will be in juvie so fast it'll make your head spin." taking a hint she stood up walking off mumbling under her breath. "And you better stop talking under your breath you think I won't whop you child don't try me!" I called after her, "What am I going to do with that sister of yours ?" Alexis just looked at me biting on her apple.

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