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"Olivia!" not stopping she continued to hit me in the stomach getting down to her eye level I grabbed a hold to her arms but she yanked away taking off down the hall. Quickly following after her she ran right into a room following after my mind was running in a million circles, "He's supposed to be here I won't let him hurt you like he hurt us." I heard Oliva talking to somebody pushing the door completely open I was met with two sets of eyes and one of them well they could only come from one person I know.

Oliva held her in her arms as she just started back at me giving me a smile but Oliva's face held nothing but hatred. "What the fuck are you doing here ?" and there she stood if I wasn't so lost right now I'd be in denial that she was standing here in front of me. Soon enough the room was filled with everyone, Turning around she looked at all of them, "Why ?" moving over to the girls she took the younger one into her arms, "You two need to talk if you-"

"Stop it alright stop by there that is not any of your dissensions to make I don't need this right now!" Serenity interrupted Vi I couldn't believe after three years, three years where in the same room, "Reni if you just calm down please just calm down and we can all talk about this like adults." taking a deep breath she looked at Oliva and the other little girl.


"Oliva to her to my room please." handing Alexis back to her sister she took her out the room leaving the adults to talk. "Three years I've gotten over it I've moved on and you all pull this shit with me." I was trying my best not to scream because there were guest still down stairs. "Serenity we only want what's best for you alright and this-"

"No Lenny don't start that shit alright I am going to make this really, really clear I don't want him near me I don't want him I don't need him he ruined my life!" I shouted Vi of course looked to Terrance who was clearly in on this if he wasn't  my brother I'd shoot him.  "I ruined you life you lied to me Serenity!" Prince jumped in and well that did it all my therapy went right out the window. "Fuck you!"

"Fuck me, so fuck me now you already did that Serenity, Violet or who ever the heck you are!"  Prince snapped back at me, "You can go straight to hell Prince alright you listened to those demonic liars, instead of talking to me, and yes you ruined my life it three years to them to stop calling me a home wreaker three years to clean my self three years to detach my self from you I messed up I know I did but I've a life for me and my girls and I refuse to have you or whatever this mess it up!" storming pass all of them I went back down stairs I'd have to deal with that later right now I need to focus on the guest.

By the time everyone had eaten there food and left I didn't want to be in this house anymore it felt like a bomb had just dropped on me, Vi and everyone else sat in the living room, but right now I am trying to figure out why this bitch Diamond is sitting in my house like she pays rent in here. "Why is this bitch in my house ?" I asked taking off my shoes and earrings I could hear my therapist voice telling me to be slow to anger but I could also hear Violets voice saying you owe this bitch an ass whopping and it's been three years in the making.

"First off who you calling a bitch you lunat-" before she could get the rest of the words out my fist connected with her face taking her hairs I dragged her off my couch beating her in the face I was on ten right now and she was just taking all the rage. "Get this crazy bitch off of me!" I continued to send blow after blow to her until I felt someone pull me off of her raggedy hoe ass, "Baby come on stop it!" Noah screamed pulling me away from her, "Nah this bitch acting like shit sweet bitch every time I see you I am going to drag your ass!" I continued to scream trying to break away from him but he wouldn't let me go.

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