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Serenity POV

"Make you breakfast, make you breakfast." feeling someone poke my shoulder I rolled over to see Alexis standing in her pajama's holding her doll. "Make you breakfast." she continued,  moving the covers back careful not to wake Prince who'd come up from the studio around three am and passed out. He's been working really hard on his music I know he's ready to get out there and hit the road again.

"Alright baby we have to be really quiet daddies still sleeping." putting on my robe I moved into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Alexis came in with me taking a seat on the stool waiting for me, hearing humming as I got my self together I thought back to her doctors appointment it was really hard on Prince hearing everything Alexis would have to deal with growing up.

Hench why he locked his self away in the studio of course Alexis thought she'd did something wrong but Oliva quickly stepped in being a good big sister telling her she did nothing wrong.

Going down stairs to the kitchen I started breakfast while Lexi sat at the table coloring, "Morning mom." Oliva greeted coming down fully dress she was leaving for LA today for the next couple fo months I was going to miss her but I knew she was about to go and do what she loves.

"Moring baby girl are you all packed and ready ?" nodding she went over placing a kiss on her sisters head. "I am going to miss home though I haven't been away from either of you in a long time." smiling that my daughter Oliva is at that age where she acts like family time is a pain in her neck but I know deep down she loves us.

"Awww it'll go by faster than you think plus you'll have Vi with you and well talk everyday." flipping a pancake. "I know that mom but who's going to help with Oliva and the twins ?"

"Your dad, add you know I only go to work as needed now so I can be here to take care of your brother and sisters." and as if on cue the sounds of baby talk came into the room, "Morning family." Prince greeted holding the twins in his arms, quickly sitting them down in there respective chairs I slid him two cups of apple sauce.

Oliva walking over to the fridge grabbing Prince's smoothie and taking it over to him, "Morning dad." taking a seat she grabbed one of the spoons and started feeding Paige.

"So you ready for today I called ahead and the house is all ready for you and Vi oh and I checked with the accountant your card should be working now and make sure you pack everything you need don't want to forget anything here." Prince started going down the list I don't know what he's acting like he won't be going to pop up on her in two weeks.

"I did dad don't worry, oh and don't forget I am going to be going to that premier with Jaden." I didn't have to look to know Prince was rolling his eyes at the sound of that boys name hell I was sick of hearing about him.

One minute there all over each other the next there acting like they are going to kill each other, I spoke with Jaden's mother and she and I both agreed neither of them are ready for a relationship yet, but of course on my end Oliva through a fit when I told her she needed to back off a little bit and just remain friends for a while so I just decided maybe she needs to learn the hard way.

"Oliva don't be out there doing nothing that will make me caught a flight you know how to behave your self." Prince spoke sternly as I set breakfast down for Alexis who began eating quietly.

"Dad please don't me and Jaden are fine and we're going together that's all I don't see why you don't like him anyway." and cue the fighting, "Oliva I am your father and I told you already your not old enough to be trying to put your self into a relationship, your eleven years old not sixteen you need to just-"

"Ugggh its not the fifty's anymore things happen faster now adays dad!" she cut him off of course provoking a fight. "Oliva Charlotte Nelson you will not talk over me and you will respect me I am trying to do what's best for you before you end up making a fool of your self." he shot back.

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