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Serenity POV

"Come back with me to Paisley." Prince broke the silence twirling some of my hair with his finger as we laid together. "No." taken back with my answer he sat up on his elbows looking down at me waiting for a reason. "I am going to be honest." placing a hand on his chest.

"I enjoyed my self with you both times it brought up memories good one it brought happiness to me having connected with you in this way but I don't want him, he's good to me and he loves me and I love him." nodding he groaned getting out of bed quickly gathering his clothes getting himself dressed.

Sitting up I covered my self with the sheet, "I am going home and I'll be back for Lex in two weeks." sighing I reached over grabbing my robe quickly putting it on I didn't want to argue with him I mean yes I loved him but I didn't want to mess things up I mean why can't things just be as they are with out  having anyone get hurt. 

"It doesn't have to be like that Prince I just have stability right now and yes I do love but I also love him." spinning on his heals he came closer to me as I stood up. "Is this what it felt like ?"

"What, what felt like ?" resting his forehead against mine he shut his eyes as if the thought alone would plague him. "Sharing me, you loved me and I was still with her." taking a deep breath I brought his head up with my finger opening his eyes to meet mine.

"No it wasn't easy seeing you with her, it wasn't but respected that even though you two may not have been in love with each other you two were still together and working on things in your own way alright, so I need you to do the same for me and just let me figure somethings out on my own." placing a kiss on his lips we stood there for a moment only to hear Alexis calling out from her room.

By the time Shemar came on back with Oliva I had dinner on the table for us all, while looking at me of course he had a slight attitude with me cause he went by my place and found out no one had seen me all day.  

"Mom I have an offer to do a show in New York next week filming will start for me on Monday and be done by Friday." Oliva informed breaking the silence at the table, "Well that's good honey I think we can work something out to get you there but I also have some good news." looking over at me with those big eyes that could melt the coldest heart I smiled. "Guess who walked for the first time today ?"

Seeing a look of excitement come across her eyes she screamed out jumping over to her sister, I loved there bond together I knew if something were to ever happen to me well I know they'd always be there for each other and I know Oliva would move heaven and earth to take care of her sister.

"Where were you all day I mean I called went by the restaurant no one heard from you ?" Shemar finally broke his silence once I'd put the girls down for the night. "I was kind of caught up with my daughter taking her first steps I am sure what ever it was wasn't the important not to mention I have a capable staff as well

I don't have to be there every time something goes wrong not to mention Crystal handled everything on her own so relax." taking a seat back at the table in front of my lap top I began going over some stuff I'd completely forgotten about today.

The next morning I dropped the girls off with Vi who was over the moon about Lexi walking, getting to work at a decent time. "Girl where in the blazing hell were you yesterday your man was in here at lunch with Liv looking for you ?" Crystal greeted following my to my office.

"Morning Crystal I had a great night thanks for asking my daughter to her first steps, I know so exciting." sitting my bag down then picking up my mail shifting through it, "Aww little Lex to her first steps that's amazing I bet Prince wishes he was there." taking a seat in front of my desk I bit down on my lip, "Oh my gosh is that why you where MIA all day yesterday you and him had a family moment ?" taking a deep breath I sat my mail down on my desk rushing over to shut the door.

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