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Serenity POV

"So talk to me ?" Dr. Teleise sat across from me waiting to hear my recent reports on how my life had been. In all honesty I'd been avoiding our meeting cause of all the drama that'd been surrounding me.

"Well things have been okay umm Alexis had started walking I am happy." nodding she was very happy as well.

"Alright how has your relationship with you and Prince been ?" getting right down to business she waited patiently.

"We umm we've been sleeping together." caught off guard but quickly pulling her self together. "Well, are you finding your self falling for him again." I guess I can finally get this off my chest and she was the best person to talk to right now.

"I mean I can't lie but he's an amazing man and I am happy with the bond we share because of Alexis but let's be honest here I can't risk getting hurt again I can't." nodding she wrote it down on his notepad.

"Serenity I want you to give me the pro's of being with Shemar I think it's best if you talk it out." sighing I remember a time when I hated talking to this women but now it feels good opening up to some one who can give an honest perspective with out being bias.

"Shemar is a good man, he's stable he has a good heart and he's nice with the girls, he never judges my past, Shemar is supportive and loving.

Shemar well he's handsome and he makes me want to be good and I love him but that's the thing I am finding myself falling in love with Prince to." sighing she wrote something on her note pad.

"Look I am going to be honest with you Serenity, you are looking for love you are looking for someone to give you the love you feel you've missed out on." now I was confused because I have love all around me, my brother, Donna, Charity, Chris, Vi, Will and most importantly my two daughters they all love me I know what love is and I have it with them.

"Serenity you use the word stable you find your relationship with Shemar to be stable, when you first came to me you told me that's what you've spent your whole life wanting stability." pausing she flipped through her file on me stopping on a page.

"I want stability I want a husband a home I want my daughter to never have to worry about anyone hurting her, I want a life that may have a few bumps but stable, I want stability." looking up she just stared at me for a moment. "So your saying I am telling my self I love the man I think will give me stability and security.

That I am not in love with him ?" pushing some hair behind my ear I just looked at her like she was a little crazy I mean I love him Shemar and me are in love I mean Prince is just sex I in love with the sex right no I love Prince I love Shemar what is happening to me.

"I think I am going to have a mental break down." shaking her head she laughed a little shrugging her shoulders. "Your not going to have a mental break down your going to be fine I just need you to see the truth Serenity." hanging my head I couldn't believe her right now I mean come on there isn't going to be a truth thing in the moment I love him and I love him maybe one more than the other.

"I am supposed to be with Prince, aren't I there are times when I think we can be okay together but he's just so unpredictable and unstable I mean come on he comes into my life shaking it up each day.

Look I love him he's my child's father he is the first man I gave myself to, but he was married he met me in the damn strip club he brought me into his life and I lied to him about mine about how I was put out there as a prostitute how they made me a drug mule.

How I was made to be a part of that psychotic as cult those people are insane they made me be apart of it. I convinced myself that I was protecting him that me not telling him was protecting him because if he loved me he would never hear the end of it, he married the prostitute." stopping unable to continue those thoughts.

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