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Short Chapter


"Sir would you like anything to drink ?" a waiter asked me nodding he poured more cold water into my glass I'd been sitting here waiting for her for about an hour at this point I think she stood me up. After a while the door to my private area opened and in she walked carrying the baby on her hip. Of course she was dressed nicely in her usual heals.

 Of course she was dressed nicely in her usual heals

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"Thank you for coming." I tried to start this off nicely but the look on her face well she clearly didn't want to be here. "Prince I am only here because Vi didn't really give me a choice now what exactly do you want." sitting the baby in the high chair she turned her attention back to me with an eye roll of course. We sat there in silence for a while until she let out a deep breath crossing her arms.

"Look I have better fucking things to do than sit here and stare at you." laughing I was trying to be nice but if she was going to come for me them she could have it.

"You know what I would appreciate if you calm down alright if any one here should be pissed off it's me you didn't even tell me-"

"Tell you what Prince, tell you what huh ?" reaching into her bag he pulled out a bunch of papers slamming them on the table in front of me. "Phone records I called every day, every fucking day I tried I wrote you and they came right back to me so don't sit here and I can't like it was just my fault you almost had me arrested Prince, I've come to peace with what I did to you and I am sorry but I will not apologize for just moving on and taking care of my child." shaking my leg under the table I couldn't blame her for feeling that way I mean I didn't make it easy.

"You know what I'll admit I did block you out but can you blame me Serenity, you didn't tell me the truth I had to hear from those people when it should have been you Ren it should've been you do you know how much I would have seen you through if you would have just told me the truth." shaking her head she looked down at the table laughing a little bit then it turned into a loud laugh holding her stomach as tears began to fall.

Looking at her she used a napkin to wipe her eyes taking a breath, "Your so full of shit you can fool everyone else Prince but not me." her face turned ice cold and very deadly, "You wouldn't have stuck around once I told you the truth you would've took off running and never looked back." sighing I didn't want to fight with Serenity but she can't tell me how I would feel her family told me the whole truth everything and I was sick to my stomach at everything she was put through.

"It wasn't your choice Serenity they made you, you were a child and you did-"

"Shut up alright just shut the fuck up what ever the fuck they told you, you need to leave it the fuck alone cause you don't know what your talking about now look your here to talk to me about Alexis then draw a line in the sand there I will co- parent with you and that is all, other than that don't worry about it." nodding if that's the way it has to be then so be it cause I refuse to lose more time with my child.

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