The Reports Of Azur Lane

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Notice: This will contain stupidity. Different from the other stories I've made, it'll show my degrading dark humor and declining mental state mixed with increasing insanity.

Note: Chapters are released Mondays, Tuesdays and Sundays.

Enjoy this dumpster fire.


After debating for two weeks, the higher ups decided on requiring the commander of azur lane to give them a weekly report on the activities on base.

This report would include the accounts of the commander, to let them in on what ever had gone on in base that week and so on.

After the first few reports had came in, the higher ups came to a single conclusion...

"We need to build a mental asylum there."

Suffice to say, it was a miracle the base hasn't fallen into anarchy, or at most have some people go batshit insane, from what they got from the reports.

In response to this, they did in fact build the mental asylum and called it "Camp Concentrate", a very inconspicuous and totally original name.

Under the others of them, the commander is told to institute any shipgirls he deems as, and quote, "mentally challenged."

When word of the amount of shipgirls being sent there reached them, and they began hearing about the "atrocities" some of them made they began questioning if the world can ever be saved from the sirens if these are really humanity's "best weapons"

(Editor's After Note: 99% of those atrocities are from Ironblood, go figure.)

At the end of the second year of this, an entire book detailing every single weekly report was published and given to the public, named "The Reports of Azur Lane."

The public's reaction were... less than positive.

Please turn to the next page to read the first weekly report.

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