"He doesn't have one at the house?"

"What would it look like?"

"Like.. honestly you'd know if he did. Which means he doesn't, surprisingly."

I groaned, "well, I asked because I wanted to get him something.. you know, something that just says 'I was thinking of you today' or 'I love you'."

"Please, guys are easy. Send him a pic and a text." She scoffed, "but if you want to buy him something, a ball of some sort, tickets to a game, sports gear, a play station or an xbox, games for whatever system you get him, then from there, just accessories like a headset, a gaming chair.."

"Are any of those things I can get between now and the time I get home?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I can find something and order it for you if you want." She shrugged. "Its not a big deal."

"It seems less personal that way." I pouted.

We ended up in my office shopping online together for something that could either be delivered or picked up before this evening. We ended up getting a game system and two games to go with it.

Once it was ordered I slid the laptop to face her, "get something for yourself."


"Buy something.. whatever you want, as my thank you to you." I urged.

"Price range?"

"I mean- don't buy yourself an island." I scrunched my nose.

Lydia stopped by right after lunch, I followed her into her office. "Babe, why don't you just get ready for your trip. I told you we can handle everything here."

"We're packed and ready." She stated as she signed into her computer, "She'll drop the kids off at your house."

"Rory too?"

"Surprisingly yes." She sat down, "I'm gonna email you our itinerary and all the info so you have it. I'll let you know if anything changes."

"Okay good, I was just about to ask about that."

"And once we're back we actually have our first consultation for the pregnancy thing."

"You okay."

"Yes. Its just Honey is changing something AGAIN and she said she sent it to my email but I'm not seeing it, and thats the one thing I needed to check on before I leave."

"Babe, let me handle it. Its fine really."

"While I'm gone, if you need anything just call. And you have Lea who can get to you a lot faster than I can. Did you tell Aubrey about her? He should have her number as well."

"I didn't give details." I shrugged.

"Can you pass me Honey's portfolio?"

I went and grabbed it from the bookshelf and brought it to her, "did you find the email?"

"Yeah, she's changing the decor. Which is a pain but its not too bad." She opened the portfolio. I ended up staying with her to help her reconfigure the decor using Honey's ideas. We talked about a bunch of different things and eventually it was time for her to go. I walked her to the elevator before returning to my office.

Towards the end of the day Margo had went and picked up the gifts for Aubrey and brought it back to the office since I ended up on an unplanned call. She came in as I hung up to show me that as my gift to her she'd gotten herself and ipad and an apple pencil.

"You didn't get like a case or something?" I scrunched my nose.

"I didn't want to over do it, I can buy myself a case." She stated.

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