I follow them out and sure enough when we reach the living room everybody is watching TV while North and Raven are glaring at each other. "Why are you all looking at each other like that?" I ask as I take a seat by Ellen, who smiles at me and mouths 'boys.'

"He is acting like a child!" North and Raven say at the same time which makes me, Corey, Luke, and Nathan laugh. Their glares turn to us and North fully glares at Luke, Nathan, and Corey. When he reaches my gaze his lips tip up slightly in the corner and his glare turns into soft eyes. Raven does the similar thing but he eyes me and Corey instead of glaring at us.

"That is no fair! Sang and Corey should get glared at too!" Luke pouts and it is my turn to turn to face Ellen. 'Boys.' I mouth and she laughs.

"Look at them! Plotting against us." Nathan says and I smile at him.

"Trouble?" Gabe asks and I face him.


"What does your dress look like?" Gabe asks and Ellen groans. All of the other guys smirk and I figure they have tried to pull it out of Ellen a lot.

"I don't know." I shrug and he groans.

"What are we watching?" I ask and Nathan grins at me.

"Peanut we are watching the best thing ever. Karate Videos!" Nathan says and he looks so proud of himself.

"You nicknamed her peanut?" Axel asks incredulously.

"Yup. That is what she tastes like." Nathan says and Marc almost chokes on his drink while Luke's face goes red when he starts coughing. All of the guys , and Ellen, turn to look at me and I can feel the blush staining my cheeks.

"He bit my finger." I defend slightly and Ellen starts dying laughing. Meanwhile the guys are still staring at me and I shift uncomfortably.

"You guys are hilarious. So overprotective." Ellen says and leans over so that she is only whispering in my ear, but she is loud enough that I know everyone heard it. "Just wait until you get your period. They will be watching you like a hawk. More so than they already are."

I can feel the red clawing down my neck and spreading across my face like crazy. I look around the room and a few people's faces pale, others grimace, then there is Gabe. "Oh fuck! We never even thought of that. Shit. Trouble when do you get your period? What do you use? We should probably stockpile it incase there is a storm or some weird vudu shit. Don't you girls mark it on the calendar or something? Doc! Where do you keep your calendars? We all need this in our phones too!" Poor Gabe looks like he is about to have a panic attack meanwhile Ellen is cackling beside me, clearly happy with herself.

"Gabe why don't we cross that bridge when we get there?" Axel says over Owen's cackling and Gabe begins to let it go, but of course Luke jumps in.

"You never just cross a bridge though. You examine it and decide the best way across so when you do have to cross, you are more prepared. We need to examine the bridge." Luke says and for once in his life, he is dead serious.

"There is a way to make it not painful, right? We need to focus on that to succeed." Silas says like a period is a game of football and I have to say, I am disappointed in him for joining this.

"Sang baby do you usually eat more or less when you are on your period?" North asks and Ellen begins howling while every other person in the room looks completely serious.

"I have a question." Raven declares and Owen turns towards him.

"Yes Raven?" Owen asks and even he looks interested in this. I am going to be red forever if they don't stop this.

Finding My Permanent FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora