I'm Not Of Them

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Hoseok's POV

As my bare feet hit the carpet, toes wiggling and arms stretching above my head, I exhale a deep yawn. I've never felt so alive; not just because it was holiday break, but because of the amazing night I had with Layla.

Thanks to the euphoric feeling of floating along on cloud nine, I know that for the first time in a long time, I can actually tolerate people.

My mind keeps drifting to the evening prior. The only thing that would have made the night absolutely perfect would have been if Layla could have overcome her annoying awkward self and just kissed me.

Sitting on the bed in my shorts, remembering every single moment I shared with Layla, I still can't help swoon over the person I once considered the biggest geek in school. Has Layla finally grown out of the geeky stage, or have I finally grown up a little, become a little less shallow, and maybe even opened my eyes to the realization that there is a much larger world beyond the realm of college?

I chuckle to myself as I recall Layla's several awkward attempts to kiss me the night before. It's funny, but frustrating; whenever she leaned in to kiss me, I tried to lean forward to receive her kiss but I wasn't fast enough. She'd already chickened out and pulled back. I would have slammed her against the wall and french kiss her hard, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

But by the end of the night, we were having so much fun with each other that Layla relaxed enough to kiss me goodnight without even thinking about it. No logic, no calculations. She just did it out of pure instinct and desire for me. It was a simple, slow peck on the lips, but it was the most amazing and electric kiss I ever had.

When the door bell rings, I rush over in my shorts to open the door. When Layla steps inside, she almost trips as she sees my half naked body.

She slowly looks up and down my body which really turns me on. She slowly takes in the sight before her as I brush my soft blond hair from my forehead.

There is no doubt at all that I have her attention. Slowly I walk up to Layla, intentionally causing her to back up until she runs into the door. I put one arm next to her head while the other hand drifts down to the side of Layla's waist, locking the door. "Morning sunshine," I flash a lazy smile.

Leaning forward, I place my red crimson lips on hers, barely able to control my desire. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out before ravaging her. Never before have I wanted someone so badly; not Jennie, not anyone. My erection strains against the thin fabric of my shorts.

"Hi," she softly whispers.

"It's hot outside, so I took my shirt off," she explains in a nervous tone when she notices me staring at her chest. I know it takes everything in her not to glance at my groin.

But her eyes betray her; she flashes a quick glance.

"I don't mind," I purr in her ear as I begin to nibble on her earlobe, melding myself into her. I grab her hand and place it on the waistband of my shorts, "Would you like to open your present?"

She swallows hard. Her jaw opens and closes several times before she can speak. Layla takes a step forward and places her hand on my naked shoulder. She's absolutely breathless; her touch is intoxicating, sending shivers down my arm and back, all the way down to my toes. I play it off like I'm the one in control, but the reality is I'm not sure who is more nervous.

I can sense the conflict within her; her eyes speak volumes to me. She's torn between devouring my body and resisting my charms.

She's fighting a tremendous temptation; why she's fighting it, I'm not sure.

Finally, she speaks, "I... Hoseok, I... can't do this."

The shock I feel from her words is tremendous. I wasn't expecting rejection.

She must have sensed my uneasiness because she continues, "Hoseok, I want you so fucking bad. It's... it's not that." She looks over my entire body as she speaks, still fighting her primal urges.

I smile gently, "It's okay baby, you don't have to be nervous."

She smiles awkwardly, but she still can't look at me, "Hoseok, it's not that. Well it is that, but it's more than that."

I look at her even more confused, barely keeping my smile together, "Well, then what is it?"

She bites down on her lip. "I feel like I'm not the right girl for you. I feel like I'm always one hair away from ruining what we have and go back to a mediocre friendship, at best."

"Layla," I begin, but she puts her finger against my lips which cause butterflies in my whole body. Fluttering from my toes all the way to my brains.

"Some girls are naturally loveable; I'm not of them. I'm only the flavor of the month. And..."

"And?" I pressure her.

"I love you, but you don't love me. It's that simple."

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