Big Mistake

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Hoseok's POV

"Pick up, pick up," I growl, my legs bouncing up and down nervously. Layla either doesn't have her cell phone, or she doesn't want to answer it. It takes everything I have to resist smashing my caramel latte across the room.

I dial a different number.

"Hey, baby," Jennie says. "What's up? I get off work in an hour or so; I was thinking we can run up to the lookout, just you and me..."

"Not right now, Jennie," I hiss, ignoring the standard chitchat. I want to get straight to the point, "Carmen said you beat Layla up pretty bad a few days ago. Is that true?"

"She's smoking crack. Of course it's not true," Jennie says. Smoothly changing her tone, she tells me, "You know, I was thinking tonight might be a good night for us to go past second base. Since schools out for a couple weeks for the holiday break, why don't we take it a little further? I know you hate to talk about it, but I'm saying tonight's the night to swing for the fences and get that home run and tell my and your parents.
""I don't wanna get engaged, Jennie," I grit my teeth. "I told you we're not doing that so tuck your fucking bat away.

Besides," I snap, "Quit changing the subject and focus. Someone hurt Layla really bad." It isn't easy, but I try my hardest to bring her attention back to planet Earth. Jennie always has a way of focusing on her own selfish needs at the most inappropriate times. "And, you'd better be fucking telling the truth about not hurting Layla," I threaten, sounding almost venomous, ready to carefully analyse her response.

"I said it wasn't me," she replies defensively. "She probably mouthed off to someone. For a nerd, she's got a big mouth. There's no doubt she insulted the wrong person this time; it doesn't surprise me she got pounded. Especially here in the south with her skin colour and stuff."

"Don't be insensitive. She's a good girl."

"Really? You think she's some perfect girl, like she wouldn't ever say anything bad to anyone," Jennie asks me, obviously annoyed.

Oxygen thief, I think to myself, recalling what Layla called Jennie during one of our study sessions. Okay, so Jennie does have a point (even though she deserved that insult), although it doesn't seem like Layla's normal nature. I've never heard her talk negative like that to anyone else, at least. But still.

"Look, I don't care what Layla says. Can we just drop it and talk about something else? Like me, and you," she says smoothly.

I sigh, "We'll see. Right now that's the last thing on my mind. I need to talk to Layla, and she's not picking up her phone."

Jennie is angry. She snaps, "Do you know how much time you've been spending with her compared to me? I let it slide at first because I know you wanted to get your grades up, but come on Hobi. It's like you'd rather be with her instead of me! Let's think about your fucking priorities."

Deep down, I know she's right, even if her mouthing off is starting to get to me and she's annoying; I haven't seen Jennie much at all lately and I don't even know if I want to, but she's my girlfriend.

I also don't feel like arguing right now. "Ok, I'll tell you what. Let me talk to Layla first, just to make sure she's ok, and then tomorrow night we can go to the lookout after you get off work."

After hearing Jennie purr on the phone, I say, "If you behave and start acting nice, I just might let my fingers walk all over your body, up and down your thighs just how you like it, and drive you absolutely insane. Okay?"

Jennie is so easy. I can practically hear her moan in the background, along with a soft, "Ok. I can't wait, baby," before she hangs up the phone.

After promising Jennie that I'd spend more time with her, I was determined to talk to Layla no matter what. Besides, I can't let the situation fester. I pick up a big bouquet of balloons and a get-well card, and just for fun (and something of an inside joke), I also find a book for her that I know she'd absolutely love.

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