Now My Turn To Tutor You

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"Really?" she looks at me with her big adorable eyes.

Placing my hands on her hips defiantly, I look at her through narrow eyes as if she should have known better. "Let me make it clear, cowgirl. Jennie is history. She might not know that yet because she's a bitch and yeah, an oxygen thief. But you should have known just how far out of my life she is, now and forever."

She hesitates, trying to read my eyes and body language. It was as if she needs additional verification, unable to take in everything that's transpiring before her. She's so far outside of her comfort zone that she isn't quite sure what to say or do.

She takes a deep breath and swallows while I patiently wait.

"I know this great Afghan restaurant, if you're interested..."

I laugh at the formalities we both seem to be stumbling through. "I'd love to. I'll pick you up tomorrow, 7:30?"

"7:30 works," she says as a childish grin surfaces.


The first thing I notice when Carmen answers the door is the joyful yet overconfident look on her face. "Hey Hoseok," she greets me enthusiastically. "I wasn't expecting you," she facetiously says, unable to stifle her giggle.

I roll my eyes, but return a forced smile, "Sure, I bet you weren't. Let me guess, Layla wasn't expecting me either?"

Carmen laughs, "Oh, she definitely is. Layla would never stand you up, not in a million years. Come on in and have a seat. I'll tell Layla you're here."

"Thanks," I say, walking into the front room and carefully sitting on the couch.

Layla walks into the room with one of her hands behind her back.

She's wearing a dark purple dress with matching heels, not too outrageously far above the knees, exposing enough bare back to get my attention. She looks absolutely gorgeous.

I can't read the look on her face. I suspect she's nervous, but with Layla, I never can quite tell. Still, she looks simply amazing.

"Wow, you look..."

"Handsome?" I finish her sentence. I smile, even though I'm a little puzzled at this side of Layla; the same person that pours out poetry, baring her heart and soul on video, can barely compliment me without assistance from me. Still, it's fucking cute that she's trying so hard. Maybe I misread her. Maybe her apparent nonchalance was really more of a masked nervousness.

"And you look gorgeous, Layla," I say, standing up off the couch.

"Oh," she says, partly walking, partly running with an uncoordinated movement towards the table. Carefully she grabs a bouquet of red roses. "These are for you," she murmurs, handing them to me. Her eyes steal a quick look at Carmen, as if looking for confirmation of her actions.

"We're really switching the roles here, huh?," I tease, taking the flowers and kissing her cheek. Her face turns bright red and a bashful smile instantly surfaces on her face. I take in their sweet fragrance. "They smell wonderful." From behind her back Layla presents a box with a red and green plaid pattern, adorned with a bright crimson bow. "And this," she says. "You can open it tonight if you like. Or not. I hope you like it. I really wasn't sure what to get you."

"You didn't have to get me anything, baby," I smile, opening the present. She certainly has a way with words, but she's sincere. I adore that.

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