Cinnamon and doughnut

61 5 12

Layla's POV
I see him as soon as he walks into the coffee shop where I work, the angry customer, before he's even been triggered. There is a tension in his manner, a tightness in his face and his eyes move more robotically than others. Every move he makes is as if he's got some clock ticking in his head, perhaps that's the countdown to his next explosion. I doubt there is a thing in this world that can bring him joy, not a flower or a sunrise. The angry customer... forever in a world of grey.

At the coffee bar is an old woman, not the kind you pity with their old bones and feeble limbs, but the kind who could still run an army kitchen given half a chance. She stands quite tall and slim, her short grey hair neat and likely styled with old fashioned rollers, the kind women used to sleep in. Her face is made up with discrete make-up except her lips that are cherry red. Were she any paler her mouth would be garish, but against her sun-kissed skin it looks right. She has soil beneath her finger nails. A gardner I'll bet. Then I notice her neck scarf, patterned with small roses. I'll bet she has the best front yard on her street.

"One iced coffee, please," she orders.

In the corner of my eye, I notice a familiar mop of blond hair sitting on a familiar pretty face. Hoseok.

"Hey," he notices me and before I have the chance to walk away through the back door, he's already at the counter. "Are we gonna study tonight or not."

"You can study alone," I reply, holding the glazed donuts in my gloved hands. "You left yesterday. You're a waste of my time," I simply answer in a flat tone.

"I was busy," he says.

"Busy doing what?" I ask, trying to keep my voice as monotone as I can.

"Got to glaze my little slut like a vegan donut," he blurts out without blinking.

I drop the donuts out of my hand and quickly scan our surroundings to make sure no one heard that before I refocus my attention back on Hoseok. "TMI I didn't ask for."

"Then what is your prude little ass asking for?" he says, resting his elbows on the bar as he's slightly leaning forward.

"To leave me alone," I sigh, bending to pick up the donuts.

"I kinda need you," he sighs, clearly hating to admit that.

I sigh and think for a good minute. I never let people I'm tutoring down. "Fine, but I don't have time today. I'm going to the mall after my shift."

"I've been looking for a birthday present for someone, but I've not been having much luck," he says. "We can go together? What do you need?"

"I've got a dress sorted, although I'm not too sure about it. I need to find some shoes to go with it, but I've been drawing a blank," I reply, pulling off the apron over my head and tossing it over a chair. "But I think I'll be fine on my own."

"Let's just grab coffee together," he says, ignoring my last comment.

I have to admit. My stomach does a little turn with a mix of excitement and nerves at the prospect of getting to spend time with him. I worried that he only spoke to me out of politeness or because he needed something, yet here he's asking to spend time with me. He could have easily ordered his coffee and gone about his day.

"Sure," I reply.

When we'd both got our drinks we went to one of the small tables at the back of the shop. As we take our seats his leg brushes mine. My breath catches a little with the small shock that courses through me at the physical contact with him.

There's a moment of uncomfortable silence. Neither of us know exactly what to say to each other.

I pick up my cappuccino and take a big gulp. The foam tickles my lips, but the liquid is hot and it burns its way down my throat.

Under your angelic bodyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ