My Museum

32 1 1

Hoseok's POV

I could kill Carmen right now.

"Carmen," Layla breaths, slightly annoyed which turns me on even more.

I adjust the front of my pants to hide my erection and follow Layla into the hallway as she's leading me to the front door. She's blushing hard and doesn't look at me once until she opens the front door. It's time to go.

It is as if a light bulb turns on over my head. "I have an idea. Hear me out," I say as I push the door closed and drag her into a corner.

"I'm all ears," she smiles nervously, tugging at the hem of her top.

"Okay, so, you're tutoring me in school, right? And I've been looking for a way to pay you back," I brush a strand of damp hair from her forehead, leaning closer until she's against the wall with her back. The thought of pressing bare skin to bare skin has my heart pounding and I almost rip her clothes off from her body, but I hold everything in. I have to.

She gives an awkward laugh, trying to look somewhere else, "Well, you did bring the cookies. I'd say that's good enough," she mumbles.

"It's not good enough for me," I whisper. "What if... what if I tutor you?" My hand slides over her collarbone to seek out warm skin.

It's obvious that she tries to hold her tongue. "In what subject?"

I smile, "So I can't tutor you in anything inside of school. However, I can teach you a lot outside of school. In athletics, for starters. I'll tutor you on the running track and at the gym. That way, we'll make you less prone to injuries, like this one," I explain, skimming her sore shoulder with my knuckles. I'm so desperate to meet more often with her. "You'll be stronger. And it will keep bitches like my girlfriend off your back."

"Okay?" she says, uncertain what to say, still thinking about my offer.

I smile pleasantly, but I become serious when I say threateningly, "That's just between you and me, you understand?"

"Okay," she says, but confusion still clear in her eyes. "So, tutoring me with physical fitness, huh? I don't know. I've never really been athletic to start with," she rubs her shoulder absentmindedly, glancing off to the side for the hundreth time today. I need to hold everything in me not to grab her throat and force her to look at me.

"But that's the point," I sigh, "Look. I was really scared for you earlier. I don't want to see you in that situation again."

She gives me a half-hearted smile, "Thanks. I think. Well, Carmen keeps harping on me to go to the gym with her. And now, you are, too." I shrug, "I guess I should take a hint and give in to peer pressure this one time," she sighs.

"Also, we'll have to do something about your outfit and your scraggly hair," I say, reaching up and tousling her hair. "Just the dead ends," I inspect her hair.

Every muscle in her body tightens as I run my fingers through her hair; she wants to enjoy the sensation of my touch, savor it for as long as she can, but I can tell she's nervous.

As my words sink in, she looks at me puzzled, unsure of what I meant, and asks, "What's wrong and hair?" with my outfit

"Nothing, if you grew up in the 80's. You're a few strands away from a hobo. A few things have changed that we need to get you updated on." I can tell I hurt her feelings a bit, so I try to come up with something else to soften the blow. "It's for your own good. You're going to like it."

She keeps looking at her feet. I sigh, "I'll tell you what. If you want to keep what you're wearing and how you look, that's fine; I won't pressure you. But, if you trust me, I can make you look even more sexy."

I'm honestly surprised I say that; it isn't that long ago I didn't think a team of hairdressers with beautician doctorates could have upgraded her to plain, let alone one person making her sexy. My eyebrow rise, impatiently awaiting her response.

"So, I tutor you in academics, you tutor me in athletics. Quid pro quo," she finally replies.

I give her a blank look, "Yeah, sure. Whatever that means."

She thinks it over for a moment, using her problem solving skills just like she does with any other dilemma, weighing the pros and cons carefully. I send her a hopeful look.

"So when can we start?" she finally says.

I let out a laughing breath. "Good girl, but I need one thing before I leave," I tell her, biting hard on my bottom lip.

"Which is?" she asks me.

My hand skims the warm skin of her belly and I reach behind her to unclasp her bra without breaking eye contact. The lace loosens across her covered breasts and I gasp as I see her hardened nipples poke the soft fabric of her top.

I ease her away from me, my eyes remaining on her until begin to slide the straps down her arms. As I reveal more and more of her curves, even if they're covered under her top, I get closer to explode.

I hook my finger in the bridge of her bra through her and then tug her against me to claim her cheek and kiss her close to the corner of her mouth, the simple touch creating a deep craving inside me. Finally I pull her bra from under her top.

"It's for my collection," I smile and leave her on her shaking legs in the hallway before I slam the door behind me and press her bra against my nose.

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