The Flute

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Layla's POV

"I can't believe you're going to be tutoring him. Say something for the camera," Carmen tells me, hoping to get an amazing response on film. "Carmen, put that thing away," is all I give her. "I'm
trying to study."

"Come on, say something. Say anything! How was he when he was talking to you?"

I shrug. "Kind of a snot, actually."

"Girl, we're talking about Jung Hoseok. Everyone knows that; that's not the point. What did he say? What did he do? What was he wearing?"

A slight grin comes over my face that I can't hide. Carmen spots it right away. "You know something! Tell."

I give in. "Alright, alright. He unbuttoned his shirt. It was buttoned all the way up the entire day. But when he came to me he had three buttons undone. I think he was trying to add incentive for me to not say no," I roll my eyes.

"Screw that, Lay. If he was opening them up to you, no need to be a good girl."

I ignore her intentionally. "Ok, you want the truth? There's something about him I can't put my finger on. He puts on a front like he has it all figured out, but I sense some kind of insecurity in him. That's probably why he comes across as a spoiled brat - he chooses to be one. Hey, I said put that thing down. You're not actually filming this, are you?"

"No, of course not," Carmen says she discreetly pushes the stop button, setting the camera down. "It must be nice to have that pornographic memory of yours. I'd pay to see his smooth chest, and you get to relive it every night in that crazy head of yours."

"Carmen, it's called a photographic memory. That's how I noticed his button was up in the first place, not just when it was down."

Carmen snickers. "Same thing."

Hoseok's POV

"I thought I was going to tear a hamstring," Jimin says as he ices the back of his leg. "What's up with him as he ices the back of his leg. "What's up with him today? Practice is like a three ring circus run by Nazis."

"It wasn't that bad," I say, my attention focused elsewhere.

"That's because you weren't paying attention to the suffering the rest of us were going through."

"That, and I'm in better shape and work harder than the rest of you," I add, taking off my shirt.

Jimin gives me a dirty look as he readjusts his position on the locker room bench. "PMSing much, are we?" he jokes.

I shake my head, looking at Jimin. "I'm just worried about these stupid grades. Exams are in three weeks, and I have a long way to go. Besides, I'm meeting hippie tonight."

Jimin laughs. "You're meeting with Layla tonight?"

"Yeah," I sling my sports bag over my shoulder and stick a cigarette between my lips. "I'm off to the university library to meet her. I'm sure we'll find a dingy dark corner where no one can see us," I roll my eyes. Before leaving the locker room, Jimin replies, "I wouldn't bet on it. Mark my words; this girl will change your social status forever, and for the worse."

"Whatcha reading," I ask, faux interested, slamming my sportsbag down on the library table and pulling up a chair.

Layla sets the book down. "It's called Lord of the Flies; it's for English Lit. You ready to get started?"

I pull out my algebra book which looks like shit. "Lord of the Flies? Sounds disgusting."

She gives me a slight grin, staring at me from above the rim of her glasses, one slightly cracked. "First lesson. Never judge a book by its cover. I'd call it more disturbing than disgusting."

"What's it about?" I ask unwillingly, trying to act interested.

She thinks for a moment. A playful smile creeps up on her face, "It's like Willy Wonka with a lot less candy, and when the kids do something like slide down the egg chute or fall in the chocolate river they actually die."

"Disturbing," I reply in a flat tone. "What kind of anagram is that?"

"It's an analogy, not an anagram. An anagram is...,"

"Shut up." Flipping my book open, I show her the questions I have to deal with. "Ok, so I'm far behind and exams are three weeks away."

She scratches her head. "Okay, let's see where you're at then. Take me back as far as you have until you reach the last chapter you really understood, and then we'll go from there."

Her eyes grow big as I flip back to almost the beginning of the book.

"Like I said, skipped this in high school," I cross my arms against my chest.

"It's not that bad. I can work with this." She grabs the book and sits back for a few moments, apparently trying to figure out the best approach to take with me. In the mean time, my gaze travels to a black girl sitting a few tables from us. Her smooth legs catch my attention and I start to lose my concentration as I watch her curl her brown locks around her small finger. My dick may as well be the hypnotized cobra and her pussy the damned flute.

She glances over at me, giving me slow wink. My cock twitched.

"First of all, don't beat yourself up," Layla interrupts my thoughts. "This is a poorly written book. The authors don't provide examples for many of the problems they ask you to solve, leaving the reader in the lurch. I'll just have to teach you the basics and give you the tools you need to solve your problems."

I roll my eyes. "That sounds easy," I say sarcastically, still looking at the girl.

"It is. Let's start at the beginning. We'll get the basic definitions down first. In 2x + 5, tell me which is the coefficient, the constant, and the variable."

"I'm not that stupid," I spit.

"Variable means vary, right? Vary by definition means change," Layla ignores me. "This means x is subject to change. Theoretically, x can be anything. Usually in algebra, we are trying to figure out what x is. Since x varies, x is your 'variable'. Make sense so far?"

"I said I'm not that stupid," I clench my jaw.

"Okay," she sighs. "Then solve this for me," she says, tossing her notebook towards me.

I look at the long formula and I already feel my brain

explode in pieces. "I'm not gonna pass this shit."

"First of all, relax. You're stressing about this too much. If you stick with me, I'm not going to let you fail, ok? I promise; all you have to do is trust me. I won't let you down. But you have to listen to me, and more importantly, you have to relax."

I narrow my eyes and study her face. "Why do you care so much?"

"I care about the people I tutor, because they need me," she simply answers, readjusting her glasses on her nose.

"Well, I don't need you," I stubbornly reply before snatching my book back from her hand and follow the other girl out of the library as she seduces me to her dorm.

A/N Follow me on Instagram

I'll be really honoured if anyone reads my story hope you guys like it....... 💜

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