F. R. I. E. N. D. S

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As the door swung open, I thought Layla was going to say something, but her jaw is frozen in the open position.

I smile pleasantly, smirking on the inside. Could it be because I'm wearing a shirt almost all the way unbuttoned, showing a subtle hint of chest? I have a sudden urge to rip the piece of fabric from my body, because I'm burning hot inside.

I hold out a book with two large plastic containers resting on top, each one with a dozen cookies.

"Hoseok, I... wow, thank you," Layla says with a great appreciation, looking back and forth between the cookies and myself. I notice she's staring at me.

"Who the hell is that," a feminine voice says from inside. Carmen.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth; I assumed that she was alone. Shit. I don't even know why I was secretly praying that she was alone.

Layla holds the door open for me.

"Oh, Hoseok," Carmen gulps. "Hi," her voice shakes. I'm used to girls losing their shit when they see me. "Layla, you didn't tell me Jung fucking Hoseok was coming over!" she whispers harshly in Layla's ear.

Layla is all smiling, showing the slightest gap between her two front teeth, which is adorable as fuck. Her curly hair is tousled and unkempt like always.

"Why don't we go to my room. We have homework to do," Layla suggests, leading me towards the living room of their apartment. Sweet fucking jesus, she has her own room. Thank god.

"Can I offer you something to drink?" she asks me, showing me the kitchen which is small but cozy.

"I'm good, thanks," I reply. I'm thirsty as hell, but not for water.

"You two have fun studying," Carmen says, flashing Layla a knowing smile before disappearing in her room. It's obvious that Carmen is very protective of Layla, and the warning look fired at me that only a friend like her could give is clear evidence of that fact. I don't consider myself warned though. The fuck is Carmen and her bald bitch ass gonna do? Well that's cruel of me.

After Carmen left, we head to her small bedroom. She pulls out a chair out of nowhere for me. "Thank you for the cookies. You must have been busy with all of those batches you made for your friend and for me," she smiles.

I lick my lips and tilt my head to the side, "The only batch I made are these two, and both are for you."

Her cheeks flush three shades darker.

"I told you on the phone I was making them for a friend. You're my friend." She looks at me again, clearly having heard the words but processing their meaning.

The smile on my face drops, "I mean, you're my friend, right?"

The confusion on her face doesn't exactly go away, but she nods quickly, indicating that she is - or at least that was what she wants.

"I was an asshole," I say bluntly but quietly so only Layla can hear. "I guess you could say the cookies were part of my apology package. I'm not exactly good at this, or maybe I should say that it's not in my nature, so bear with me."

Layla smiles awkwardly. "You're doing good, Hoseok," she tries to encourage me, although she isn't really sure what to say other than that.

"Believe me, I do consider you a friend. You've helped me so much more than anyone else, and you put up with my bullshit when no one else would have. Only a true friend would do something like that. Thank you."

A goofy look crosses her adorable face. She gives a discomfited nod and stutters over her words, but nothing comes out quite right. She gives up and finally decides on pulling out her book.

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