"For just a moment, I swear."

I confess.

"So, why are you here?"

"I ah - I wanted to talk."

Kai looks at me his green eyes sadden. It makes me want to cry to see him this way. I feel so guilty.


"I am sorry about how I reacted last night. I should have pulled you to the side and told you how I felt."

"You had Tatum push her."

"Whoa! Hold on, no I didn't. Tatum, acted on her own."

"Okay, but then you punched her."

"I punched her because I was done with her pushing me around."

"Ava, you didn't even tell me you were coming."

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You wanted to see if I would be doing something you wouldn't approve of with my ex."

"And I did! Which show me that you don't respect me when I am not around."

"I did nothing wrong."

"If the shoes was on the other foot you know damn well you would have hit the guy with no questions asked."

"That's different."


"I'm a guy!"

"Don't give me that bias, sexist bullshit! You know it was wrong. Own up to it."

"Okay, I will if you own up to that fact that you don't respect me."


"Come on, Ava. You're telling me all those one on one training sessions and book studies these past few months with Hunter have been just that."


I start to laugh like a mad woman.

"Tell me he is crazy? He has to be crazy,"

I say out loud talking to myself only to make myself look like the crazy one.

"Are you crazy?"

I ask him.

"No, actually I am pretty sane."

"The answer is yes! I respected you Kai. How dare you think I would cheat on you with Hunter. Every moment I was with him I was faithful to you! I had eyes for no one else. Also, he is my guardian! I have to do those things with him."

I respond. Which wasn't a lie with the exception of last night but Kai and I were broken up already therefore, he doesn't need to know.

"Yeah, with you more than others."

"You really are going to drive me crazy. Hunter, has to work with me more than you and the others, or have you forgotten?"

I remind him of my lack of the supernatural history I am missing. Kai stays quiet and doesn't even look at me. His eyes are locked on the floor and I can tell he feels ashamed.

"Look, I didn't come here to argue with you. I just wanted to let you know that I was sorry."

I turn to leave.

"I love you."

I hear him whisper.


I reply turning around.

"I love you, Ava and it has been driving me crazy thinking that you don't love me back."

"Kai of course I love you."

"No, not love like the way you would love a friend. I am in love with you."

His words punch me in the chest and I can feel my heart skip a beat. Kai's looks at me with water in his eyes.

"Kai, I-"

"You don't feel the same. I know."

"Let me finish."

I proclaim. He looks at me like a lost puppy. I walk over to him and take his hands into mine.

"Kai, I never thought that an amazing guy like you would ever like me. I looked past you over the years and I am so sorry for that. I do love you so much. You are one of my best friends. You are my first real boyfriend. The truth is, I am still learning what love is. All I ever wanted was for you to be patient with me because I felt within time I would have fallen in love you. I mean who wouldn't you're great."

I smile and whip a tear off of his cheek.

"Yeah, I guess I was an ass."

He laughs with a sob at the end of it.

"Can you for give me?"

"For what? Being jealous and acting crazy? I hear that's a trend now."

I joke.

We both laugh at my not so funny humor.

"No, for real."

He pushes.

"Of course. Do you forgive me?"


He warps his big arms around me and squeezes me tightly. I return his embrace but I doubt my stringy arms can squeeze him at all.

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