part 2

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 I get up and run to my room pulling out the box, with the gorgeous dress in it, and another box which I'm pretty sure is going to make her very, very happy.

I run back into her room and hand her both the boxes.

"oh my god, did you get me a wig?"

she laughs as she puts it on her, twirling around like she was Cinderella at her ball.

"I love it" she looks back at me and says.

"you better, I got it" I replied sarcastically as she winks at me.

Bang, bang bang.
We suddenly heard Kady's window-rattling. I ran to her dressing table and grabbed her curling iron. As we moved closer to her window and pushed open her curtains.

I see law. He was standing there with flowers in his hand and a box of her favorite Royce chocolates.

"I'll leave you two alone,"

I say as I wink at Kady and exit her room.

I sit outside her window, contemplating whether I should just go home or count the stars, while they still existed.

I see them feeding each other chocolates and laughing at some dumb joke I'm sure Kady made, they're honestly not funny, it's probably her contagious laugh they make it 100 times funnier.

"I think," Kady says as she wraps her arm around his neck "that you should take me sight-seeing, just like you promised"

"that's adventurous" he sighs as he picks her up and pulls her in closer. "sightseeing at 11 am?" he looks into her eyes and smirks at her.

"that's exactly what I need right now," she says as she trails her fingers along his bicep "you're making this harder for me," Law says with lust-filled in his voice

"I'm not trying to make this harder for you, I'm just being honest" his lips pressed against her forehead. "well then I guess sight-seeing It is," law says as he holds out his hand. The sexual tension had filled the room. Kady's hands suddenly flung up and she removed her blouse standing there with just her lacey white bra.

And now it was time for me to go in, and forget I ever saw that


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