part 1

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I went behind the curtains to see the view while we drove to the airport, and suddenly Monty was suddenly behind the curtain too.

I put my head down on the window and faced Monty seeing his beautifully structured jawline and his hair that was, apparently

Called the Ronaldo haircut, of the time. He put his head down on the window too, and we were staring at each other.

But unfortunately, it looked like our shadows were kissing and I was suddenly pulled out from behind the curtains

"omg girl, did you kiss him?" I looked at her completely shaken by the question she just asked me

"omg no ways Anya, we were just resting our head down," I tell Anya defensively.

"that's not what it looked like, honey" she smirked at me and all I wanted to do was slap it off her face. What a bitch!

When we got off the bus and entered the airport

"Keelin, what did you do behind the curtains"

"Kady I swear we didn't do anything, please stop asking"

"Okay, okay, chill out"

I walked away with my luggage and checked it in. I was so horrified. 

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