part 2

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When I see Kady finally walk away, I race to the fire escape that connected both of our rooms and waited for her.

I hear footsteps approaching the room; I try to open her window to let her know I was out here waiting for her.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" she asks, thrilled to see me.

"That was a nice kiss,"

"Oh no, you saw?"

"Every detail, baby,"

"I mean, not bad for a 14-year-old,"

"Oh wow, so he's a year older?" I say as she blushes.

We sat there, staring at the sky. Today was a beautiful day the stars were shining so bright. the sky was clear and everything suddenly seemed so clear.

"He asked me out to prom." Kady gave me an awkward look before breaking the silence.

"WHAT?" I scream excited for her, "that's amazing"

"Yeah," she says rather disappointed.

I touch her shoulder and she looks at me

"what's up?" I ask worried "kady?"

'I CAN'T DO PROM" I look at her after her sudden outburst

"What just happened?"

"I'm ugly" I was hurt by the comment she had just passed.

"what did you say?" I reply with hurt in my voice.

she took my hand and dragged me inside her room and we stood in front of the mirror. She took the hairbrush from the dressing table and combed out the front of her hair.

I saw strands of hair fall out as she combed her hair.

"I'm sorry"

I may not understand what it's like to lose hair, but I know she was distraught, and I wish there was something I could do to help her feel better. Even if it was only for a brief moment.

As she puts the comb down I notice a big bald patch on her head.

"Keelin, I'm not getting any better"

"Don't say that"

" I wouldn't if it was untrue" 

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