part 3

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Just the name sounded like maple syrup on a pancake

For the boat ride to Ile Aux Cerfs, the teachers divided us into groups.

"Are you all ready to be grouped?" my teacher says, as I roll my eyes and ignore every instruction she was giving.

"I hope you're all clear," she says, and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Earth to Keelin?" Sara looks at me, trying to pull me out of what they call Keelin's 'La La land

"Yeah, sorry" she smiles at me and walks away to find her group.

They, unfortunately, grouped me with "her." the stunning girl, who had more attitude than Nanny McPhee.

"Hello, my name is Kady," she greets me.

I was startled, I locked my gaze on her for five minutes...

"Aren't you going to say something?" she says. I was brought back to earth and shook her hand.

"Hello, my name is Keelin, it's great to finally meet you; properly." she glanced at me like she was making fun of me in her head- maybe it was my all pink attire or the fact that I had a bow tie in my hair, and well now I'm just insecure.

"Aren't you going to let go of my hand?" she questioned.

I look down at our hands, which I'm squeezing pretty tightly.

"Oh right, I'm sorry." she walks away.

I thought to myself, "Gee, that was awkward,"

and I mentally sucker punch for acting so stupidly.

As we boarded the speedboat, I sat right at the back to take in all the scenic views, I was sure I was going to see. Kady walked up to me and took a seat right next to me.

We didn't swap looks; instead, we sat in silence as the boat began to move.

The view was exquisite, and the sandy beaches and azure lagoons appeared to be hypnotizing. The gin-clear waters, the abundant greenery, and the wind on my face as the boat began to speed up were ecliptic feelings.

Kady and I sat there in complete silence staring out the boat, occasionally exchanging the biggest smiles. I suppose the one thing we had in common was our love for nature and our desire to be a part of it.

I knew for a fact Kady and I would never become friends, she was the complete opposite of me. She wore black every single day and I couldn't even wear black to a funeral. She wore big leather boots to a beach while I wore my crocs.

She listened to pink Floyd to fall asleep, and I listened to Taylor swift.

She was everything I wasn't, even though people say "opposites attract" I strongly disagree.

How could you be friends with someone to who you hardly relate to? 

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