chapter 13

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An impulsive decision

As I stood in the bathroom with the two brand new shavers I had bought.

After exactly two weeks Kady was finally coming home today.

 "Keelin," she shrieked from afar.

"Up here," I yell back, signaling my location.

She gave me a look and rushed up to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, missing this feeling. The feeling of being at home- of contentment.

"would you date me," she asks, suddenly.

"Are you weird?" I look at her laughing at her silly question.

"no I mean it, look at me. I have bald patches on my head, there are black marks all over my face and my hands are thinner than a tree branch,"

I walk towards her and pull her in front of her bathroom mirror. I take the razor in my hand, switch it on and wait for the buzzing noise to start.

I position it at the start of my head and shave my hair right through the middle.

"KEELIN, WHAT DID YOU DO?" Kady starts screaming at me, palm twitchingly mad at my decision to shave my hair.

"as long as you're my best friend you're never going through anything alone" "ditch the cold caps, look at you" she stares at herself in the mirror.

"you're gorgeous. With or without your hair"

she smiles at me and laughs at how crazy I look

"eh, what the hell"

she takes the other razor from the parapet and shaves the of her hair, right through the middle.

"This calls for a selfie"

I say getting the phone out of my pocket.

Before beginning to shave our hair completely, we stick our tongues out and start posing for 15 minutes.

As we examined ourselves in the mirror. We noticed our smooth, hairless scalp. My scalp was practically sparkling with light as if it were reflecting off of it. I swear I resembled the rock, albeit much hotter.

"we're in this together, what you go through, I go through"

I say holding her hand.

"I have prom next week, will you be my date?" she says smiling at me.
"I would love to, but it's not our prom it's mister tongue in your throats prom, and aren't you his date?"

she looks at me disgusted by the nickname I just gave him.

"He needs to get used to the idea that you and I are a packaged deal" I guess we were.

"and to answer your question. I'd totally date you" she laughs at my answer and hits my back gently.

I guess, Kady and I were a packaged deal. If she was involved so was I, guess that's how best friends are. Choosing each other despite everything, despite every flaw, and that's what makes them irreplaceable.

"prom shopping?"

I ask her laying down on the bed looking at her.

"where your cupboard or mine?" I rolled my eyes at her

with zero motivation for any kind of shopping at all.

"I actually got you a prom dress, wait here"

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