chapter 11

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Her intense kiss

It's been a few weeks, exactly two weeks and three days, and law had already asked Kady out again. It's been a few hours since they were out and by now It was 12 A. M, and she was still not home.

I was curious and waiting to see if everything was okay. I called her several times and got no response. I was about to call her up once again when I heard a car pull up. I rush to the window and see Kady with messy hair and law, holding her hands as she walks ahead of him.

Law looks her into her eyes and grabs her waist, drawing her in closer. He brushes her hair away from her face and leans in. Their lips were an inch apart as they stare into each other's eyes. In a flash, he closed the space between their bodies and crushed his lips to hers. Their cold, damp bodies collided and instantly warmed on contact. He runs his hands down her back, and she grabs his face, pulling him into a deeper, more passionate kiss. His hands move over her entire back, eventually reaching to her butt. "god" he shook his head, mouth twisting into a shadow of a smile.

He pushes her face to the side. As he kisses her neck, she parts her lips open. It was amusing to see how much you see from a better-looking, much higher view.

"did you know.. you make me so happy that sometimes I actually forget to breathe" he says as he puts his head to hers, and pants. "I'll be looking at you, and my chest gets too tight.. and it's like-"

Kady interrupts him and kisses him again.

"I love you law," she says as he blew out a shaky breath

" I love you, even when the sun sets and the world ends"
her face is now a bright crimson color as she bites her lips and nervously plays with her fingers.

"I'll fight for you," he says placing a kiss on her forehead.

The radiation which had ultimately put Kady into remission worked its magic by wearing her down

But Law...A drug of an entirely different sort.

Worked his magic by building her up

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