part 3

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"A few days back my fever reached a 103 and my mom got worried and took me back to the hospital, they said I needed to stay away from germs and infections just so I don't relapse.

"cancer. Keelin,"

I stopped and looked at her for a second.

"Acute promyelocytic leukemia,"

"You don't have to say anything,"
"I do not know what to say at this point,"
"My mom gave up everything for me,"

"Kady, she's your mom, she loves you." I see tears well up in her eyes.

"Keelin, she quit her job and has been working for me and my stupid disease for 6 years."

"She chose this."

"There's nothing positive you could say to make me feel better. their marriage ended because they had different perspectives on treatment when it came to me."

I try to refocus her attention on the positive aspects of the situation. Hearing her say that, my heart sank; I wasn't going to let her die

"After 30 years of being married, it ended with a child who wouldn't even be alive for the next 5 years"

"You're not going to die, Kady, I promise"

she holds my hand and looks into my eyes

"Death is death, I just wish my death was far more mysterious than this"

My heart hurt after hearing this. At that moment I promised myself I'd help her live a life which she loves, the one full of adventures, and little mysteries.

"Sometimes the truth Is a secret because living the lie was so much easier," she says, as she brushes the hair off her face. I don't say anything she just lets out a small smile and sighs. There we sat on her blue torn sofa looking at the orange take over the sky.

I sat there in complete certainty of the fact that I would do my best to make her live. Just a little bit, and to make her feel unconditional love.

Kady and I were complete opposites she loved doing everything she knew I wouldn't approve of. she was adventurous, good at math, and was the complete opposite of a girl. She was 5'3 and had legs as long as a Giraffes neck. She had pretty golden brown hair, and she was one of the most humorous upbeat people I had ever met. Kady could turn absolutely anything into a dirty joke.

And well I was the complete opposite. I hated math and the only thing I was good at was probably ballet and film. I was far from an adventurous person, if anyone told me to spontaneously plan a trip, I'd still make sure I have 50 lists in hand. 

under the orange skyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя