part 1

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my face, resulting in a savage water battle and a frantic pursuit around the beach.

Just then a wave came in, just as I'm running in, and knocked me down. My eyes were stinging and I want to gag from the taste of the saltwater,

Kady laughed at me and then resumed our fight.

"you're so slow" Kady screams at me

"oh, you wait and watch," I say as I pull her leg from behind.

as the sun shone brightly, I laid down on the water floating, moving back and forth with the waves.

It felt free - I felt free.

It was peak afternoon by now and all the girls who cared about keeping their bodies untanned and hair sand-free had run out of the beach leaving us behind- the ones who truly cared about being one with everything around us. The ones who want to soak in every single moment of the breeze blowing through our hair as it bounced off the ocean.

With the calming feeling of no one else in sight we sat and listened to the ocean slap itself against the land.

It was the perfect ending to a perfect day

Today was the day I truly realized that I was perfect because if someone who I thought to be one of the most outgoing, beautiful, and honest person, said I was perfect, something about me just had to be. I needed to stop hiding out, to stop being afraid. To stop giving myself negative self-talk and abusing my body for just being my body. Everywhere I go, I wonder if people think I'm beautiful. I try to make it easy for them, I turn my head for the candid camera, try to show my one good angle, position myself in the right slant of light, bite my lip like I'm not thinking about it when I have never in my life dome something without thinking about it. I think about my body so much that I sometimes feel like I curate it more than I live in it. I want to be that strange girl in movies, who wears this beautiful red scarf and just suddenly disappears. I want to be beautiful but I still don't want to be seen, I want to be so beautiful so I don't have to be anything else. 

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