part 3

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She jumped to her feet and ran to the restroom. She slammed the door so hard that her night creams flew off her dressing table.

"Please open the door!!" I yell and knock on the door.

When she jolts the door open, I notice it. That's when I have to face reality, that's when I'm forced to face it.

Her nose started to leak. Her lips were covered with blood. She was spewing her guts out in the commode, which was full of crimson red blood. She was puking her guts out.

I run downstairs and woke her mom up

"aunty get up, please get up" she suddenly wakes up and panics

 "what happened? What happened?" her eyes were filled eyes with concern. "call the ambulance, Kady is unwell," I say as she dials the hospital's number on her phone.

I rush upstairs to see Kady sprawled on the floor. Blood was dripping down the sides of her mouth, and I was helpless standing on top of her. I was at a loss for what to do.

"Kady, stand up. Pria aunty shouts,

"Come on, get up!" and begs her to show some symptoms of being okay. But, alas, nothing came of it.

The ambulance's sirens could be heard from downstairs. Pria aunty raced down with her in her arms. I hurried downstairs after her, grabbing her hospital bag from her closet.

She was rushed to the emergency room as soon as we arrived at the hospital. I found myself sitting in those waiting rooms once again.

The doctor had suggested that we discuss her treatment options together

"Ma'am, your options are restricted right now.

"Kady will need to undergo chemo and dialysis, or a bone marrow transplant could be an additional option, but because of her kidney condition, we are unsure if she will survive the operation. There's a 50/50 chance she'll make it."

Pria aunty sat there, allowing all of her feelings to wash over her. she felt helpless again.

After about 30 seconds, she says,

"We'll go with option 1."

She was certain that she needed to exhaust all of her choices before attempting something risky.

"The first session of chemo would require a two-week stay in the hospital,"

the doctor says as he relays the information to Pria aunty. 

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