chapter 3

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A deep conversation

We packed our belongings and returned to the hotel room. The travel took a very long time because by the time we arrived it was 5:00 PM and it was time for the sun to set.

"coming to the beach?" Sara asks

"yes, don't want to miss the sunset," I say giggling We all headed to the beach.

My favorite part of the day was watching the sunset. It reminded me that what rises must eventually fall, but that what rises must always return, and knowing that it returned brought comfort to my heart.

We reached the beach, and the sunset was just beginning to happen. I sat down alone, closing my eyes and letting the cool feeling of the sand on my butt hit me.

It wasn't windy today; it was super chilly, and I had forgotten to pack my jacket.

Shivering, I sat there.

"here."She said as I looked to my side and saw Kady standing on top of me, holding an extra jacket.

"Thank you," I said as I gently smiled at her and slipped on the jacket. "you really didn't have to do that"
I know" she says as she smiles at me "Why are you sitting alone?" she questioned.

"Well, today seems to be one of those days I guess."

"What do you mean by you guess?" she asked, confused.

"I don't know."

We sat in silence for a few seconds before I spoke

"Can I ask you a question?" I respectfully ask.

"Sure, what's up," she says.

"Well, are your parents together?" I look at her uncomfortably as I ask

"Well, they'd like me to think that." she joked, as awkward stillness fell over the room.

"Well, they always end up together in all the romance books I've read, but I guess in reality some things don't work out" she explains trying to make me feel better.

"Why did you ask?" she asks. I look away from her and sit silently, till she asks again,

"Why did you ask?" I bring the courage to answer her question

"My parents are separated, so I guess it feels a little lonely sometimes."

"I know the feeling," she says, placing her hand on top of mine and looking at me.

And at that moment, we were just humans, drunk on the idea of love- feeling the love. And right there for a second, it felt wonderful to have someone who understood me.

"Well, they separated in 2017 and I think I maybe saw too much," she tells me hesitantly.

"My mother cheated, and now I have to live with them fighting every day." she continues as she reaches for my hand, and grabs it. Holding my hand in hers. I looked at our hands intertwining and just smiled, is that what comfort feels like? Maybe it did.

"They think I am blind to their behavior, but I am not. My dad refused to follow us to India. He chose to remain in Saudi Arabia and continue working there."

"That must be awful, I'm so terribly sorry," I say, feeling terrible for her

"We're a little too broken for 11-year-olds, don't you think?"

she says as we look at each other and burst into a fit of laughter till we were both laying down on the sand with stomach cramps hair completely sandy and icky.

"I guess the important people in our lives leave imprints. Memories, the trauma they're all part of the imprints they leave on our lives"
"Do you actually believe that? I look at Kady, who's lost in her own thought.

"I do because if there's one thing I've learned it's that; we all want to be okay, we don't wish for extraordinary, over the moon, fiddler jumping on top of the roof happiness. We just settle happily, for okay, because most of the time okay is enough"
"so you're okay with people leaving your life"
"they might leave but I guess they're always in your heart. 

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