part 2

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I give Kady one last glance from the window, and slowly her bus hit the road. Although Kady was in my school and in the classroom next to mine, it was forbidden for boarders to speak with the day scholars since they were deemed 'below our standard.' Even if I do run or bump into her at school, I know it would purely be a 'hello, goodbye' friendship.

I was devastated as I reached the hostel. I was surrounded by a group that didn't care for anyone else but themselves, the perfect 3 had split up that day and it had officially become perfect nothing. Unfortunately I was the one thrown out. I was very lonely. I just wanted to go home or go somewhere where I didn't feel like such an outsider.

My friends hated me, hated that I didn't forgive Hema for being a boggle-headed jerk... I was sleep-deprived, touch-starved and all I wanted to do was lay on the blue couch in my room and listen to the dishwasher make some noise, I turned into a song. I'm too tight collared I wrap my own arms around my throat before anyone else can.

The bane of my own existence

School had started by the time we reached school, our hostel caretaker miss dimple spared us no time to get settled down, we were forced to put on our uniforms and get to school. I lazily put on my half sleeve white shirt and grey trousers which reminded me of how mister bean got dressed, I tied my hair up in a pony so high I can feel the hair from my scalp being pulled back. I look at myself in the mirror, grab my bag from the hook in my column, put all my books in and let out a heavy sigh... another useless long day.

I started walking to class all on my own.

Our school campus was breathtakingly gorgeous. the path was so carefully paved, the world's second-largest dome was in the making but the people here were the opposite of all of that.

I sat down at the back of the class and pulled out my doodling book. At this point I had no idea what our history teacher was talking about, I just knew I was bored out of mind.

"Keelin, yes. You tell me, what was the first civilization"

I blanked out.

"sir... wait can I go to the washroom"

and in less than a second, I zoomed out of there running into the washroom.

I could hear someone sniffling and crying.


I called aloud, but no one answered. I was looking through all of the cubicles when I noticed her. Kady was seated on the bathroom floor, surrounded by dirty tissues.

"Hey," I say as I take a seat next to her.

She was deafeningly quiet. She did nothing except cry and place her head on my shoulder.

"you can talk to me," I say kissing her forehead

"it's just my..." I look at her, as she takes a long pause "mom"

"What happened to her"

"I saw her engagement ring on her dressing table and she was calling some other guy 'baby'"

I bat my eyes trying to comprehend what she was telling me

"I'm so exhausted, Keelin," she says.

"I know, but believe me when I say it gets better."

"You know, it pays to have faith sometimes."
"what would I do even do keeping faith? It seems to always stab me in the back"

"I know it's hard Kady, but with time it gets easier"

"How did you get over it?" she asks me.

"I haven't, I just deal with it. My father found out my mom was with someone else and tore the whole house down to find some Nokia phone, which was actually in her skirt"

"you win." She tells me.

We both laugh and let out heavy sighs.

'You'll be fine"
"hey I know you will"

I smile at her "thank you" she says as she pulls herself off the ground, and fixes her hair.

"I hate being a mess," she says, as she puts bat-size clips in her hair.

"you know you can use smaller clips right"
"I have a younger sister, and apparently I'm the one that needs to adjust" 

under the orange skyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя