(Walks to the door) ranger: Vladimir?!

(Stands up) Vladimir: here, let me help.

I take the folders out of his hand so that he could reach for the house keys. he eyed me strangely as he unlocked the door. we stepped inside and I placed the folders on the dining table. ranger closed the door behind him and turned on the lights in the house. I watched him remove his coat and then place his laptop bag on the table.

ranger: what's up?

Vladimir: if it's alright with you, could I stay the night?

He gave me a shocked look. I kept my hands behind my back and averted my eyes away from his gaze.

Ranger: what's the problem?

Vladimir: nothing really, it's just that the house was getting to crowded.

Ranger: your mansion was getting crowded??

Vladimir: can I stay or not? I don't want to be a bother to you if it's going to be a problem.

I was hoping he wouldn't turn me away. I tried to keep my annoyance in control, I didn't like that he was asking me questions, but it was a natural thing to do when someone shows up late at your doorstep.

Ranger: you can stay.

Vladimir: thank you sir.

Ranger: coffee?

Vladimir: uhh hot water with lemon please.

(Dawns on him) ranger: that's why Shawn bought lemons.

Vladimir: excuse me?

Ranger: when he had those few days off, we went grocery shopping, and he bought a few lemons. now I know why.

Vladimir: how thoughtful of him.

A smile formed on my face thinking about the small act of kindness Shawn has done. did he expect me to visit more often? is that why he bought lemons? if so I'm happy.

Ranger: are you hungry?

Vladimir: no, I just ate.

Ranger: did Shawn eat?

Vladimir: he must have by now.

Ranger: must have? doesn't he eat with you three?

Vladimir: yeah usually, but today...

Ranger: today?

Vladimir: uhh it's kinda a long story...

Ranger: I'm gonna be up all night working on these files, so I've got time.

Vladimir: ok, but first I'll use the bathroom.

I walk over to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror I saw a worn-out reflection of myself. I splashed some cold water over my face. after I came out of the room my hot water with lemon was waiting for me at the table. ranger had his laptop open while pressing on some keys and then taking a few sips of his coffee. I sat diagonally from him.

Ranger: start talking kid. should I be concerned?

Vladimir: no.

Ranger: ok, then I won't interrogate you any further.

What happened to him suddenly? moments ago he was very keen on knowing what was going on.

Vladimir: so... you're a detective, which police station do you work at?

Ranger: the one that's 20 minutes away from your mansion.

Vladimir: oh nice, is it stressful?

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