He extended his hand out for a goodbye hand shake, I didn't feel like parting with him so instead I smiled and bowed.

Sharon: hope to see you again soon Mr. Drac.

Vladimir: I hope so too. Dilan has found a real cutie; I wish you two the best in your photoshoot together.

He walked off and I let out a sigh. he was so cool. I slowly made my way to the buffet counter and sampled a bit of everything. I watched the people mingle and laugh. Was this how high society people partied? because it doesn't seem that boring. there were a few children at the party with their parents. I was shocked at how well behaved they all were.

Dilan's father: Sharon, was it?

Sharon: yes sir. are you enjoying the party so far?

Dilan's father: it's certainly different than what I'm used to.

Sharon: how so?

Dilan's father: there's no dancing first of all at the drake parties.

Sharon: the boys were wonderful, weren't they?! I mean it's natural that they would be so talented.

Dilan's father: that's my boy. how did you two meet?

Sharon: oh, has Dilan not told you?

Dilan's father: he and I haven't had the time to chat, he's occupied with the guests.

Sharon: I see.

Dilan's father: during dinner we were discussing a trip to Cancun for a week. Dilan's mother would be happy if you came along with us.

Sharon: oh no I couldn't. I do not want to intrude on family time.

Dilan's father: nonsense, you are the first girl he's ever introduced to us. so that means he must be serious about you.

Sharon: we-we aren't in-

There was another clinking of glass and our attention turned to Vlad.

Vladimir: alrighty everyone! hope you all enjoyed the food, let's have some fun!

The crowd was curious to what Vladimir meant by "fun"

Vladimir: we are going to play games!

Vlad explained the first game. it was called paper dance. couples would stand on a large sheet of paper and dance, each time the paper would be folded and there would be less space to dance on. the last couple dancing would go home with an expensive looking wine set. Dilan's father pulled Mr. drake onto the dance floor to participate.

Old actor: oh, I know this game! I had to do this as a scene in a movie once!

Famous designer: oh, idk if I can do it, but I wanna try.

Another actor: let's give it a try honey.

Slowly people who were intrigued by the concept made their way to the dance floor. Dilan's mother had to somewhat pull Mrs. drake onto the dance floor, she wouldn't have gotten far if Dilan hadn't pushed Mrs. drake from behind. the music started and there were a good number of couples on the dance floor playing. it was fun to watch Dilan's parents try it as well. Ivan came to stand beside me.

(Smirk) Sharon: do you wanna play paper dance with me?

He looked at me with an expressionless face. my smile slowly started to fade when I wasn't getting any reaction out of him.

Ivan: you are not the least bit funny.

(Sigh) Sharon: whatever.

Ivan: let's do it.

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